Tuesday, 1 September 2020

1st September, 2020 Beachy Head

RE and SM were ringing in Whitbread Hollow, and LP visited several sites on the Headland. RAB  covered the area opposite to Shooters Bottom and Bulling Down, and the scrub at Belle Tout. KH was also covering sites on the Headland.
A much quieter birding day than yesterday, with a good early easterly passage of Hirundines and the first Golden Plover of the Autumn flew over the Headland. Still reasonable numbers of Blackcaps in the Hollow and a further 6 Grasshopper Warblers were ringed, with Chiffchaffs being slightly more in evidence than Willow Warblers.

Red Kite 1 E at 09.05 over the Headland (KH)
Common Buzzard 2 Hollow
Sparrowhawk 2 Hollow
Tawny Owl 2 Hollow
Golden Plover 1 over the Headland
Yellow Wagtail 22 E
Swift 1 E
Whinchat 7 Headland
Wheatear 4
Common Redstart 2
Grasshopper Warbler 6 1styr birds Hollow
Reed Warbler 8 Hollow
Common Whitethroat 6 Hollow
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Headland
Garden Warbler 1
Blackcap 250 Hollow
Chiffchaff 9 ( 8 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Willow Warbler 7 (6 Hollow 1 Headland)

The following pictures were all taken by Keith Hackett

Redstart in the Hotel Garden

Whinchat in the Hotel Garden

Red Kite over the Headland

I have received another batch of records from RJF and FL which I have included on tomorrow's blog.
These records were sent the following day and I have listed them as a seperate entry on tomorrow's blog, but I have allowed for double counting.