Wednesday, 2 September 2020

2nd September, 2020 Beachy Head Sunny periods, warm SW 1-2

RE was ringing in Whitbread Hollow with good numbers of Blackcaps but small numbers of other common migrants which included 2 Grasshopper Warblers.
 RAB covered Birling, Shooters Bottom and Bulling Down, Old Trapping Area, Icky Ridge and the sheep field fence. AQ also covered Headland sites which included Hodcombe, Birling and the Cattle Field.

Common Buzzard 3 (1 Hollow, 2 Headland)
Sparrow Hawk 5 (3 Hollow, 2 Headland)
Kestrel 1 Headland
Tawny Owl 3
Green Woodpecker 2
Sand Martin 24 E
Yellow Wagtail 15 (4 Headland, 3 Birling, 8 Hodcombe)
Pied Wagtail 8 Birling
Common Redstart 6 (3 Shooters Bottom, 1 Hodcombe, 1 B/T, 1 Cattle Field)
Whinchat 12 Headland
Stonechat 25 Headland
Wheatear 3 Headland
Robin 12 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 2 Hollow
Reed Warbler 3 (1 Hollow, 2 Shooters Bottom)
Lesser Whitethroat 6 (3 Hollow, 3 Shooters Bottom)
Common Whitethroat 43(15 Hollow, 28 Headland)
Blackcap 304 (250 Hollow, 19 Headland, party of 35 Shooters Bottom))
Garden Warbler 1 Shooters Bottom
Chiffchaff 6
Willow Warbler 6  (5 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Corn Bunting 10 Birling
Reed Bunting 1 Birling
Raven 1Shooters Bottom

Late news for yesterday: RJF and Frank Lambert spent from 06.40 to 16.00 hrs. on the 1/9/20
 covering the following sites. Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Icky Ridge, Frances Bottom, Cow Gap, Whitbread Hollow, Rides, Hotel Garden, B/T area, Birling lane and Michele Dene and recorded the following:
I have been careful with double counting with totals seen by other observers yesterday.

Short-eared Owl 1 (Shooters Bottom)
Merlin 1 female type
Hobby 1 adult
Tree Pipit 1
Yellow Wagtail 5
Grey Wagtail 2
Stonechat 15
Wheatear 10
Willow Warbler 3
Chiffchaff 3
Grasshopper Warbler 2-3 Francis Bottom
Blackcap 50
Garden Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 40