With the wind dropping overnight a decent fall of night migrants occurred. The highlight were between 6-8 Pied Flycatchers, and a reasonable passage of diurnal migration which included 60 Yellow Wagtails and 26 Siskins.
Merlin 1 B/T area (ME)
Hobby 1 Headland
Short-eared Owl 3 present in the Shooters Bottom area in the evening pics (Several observers)
Swift 4 Headland
Sand Martin c200 Headland
Swallow c1,800 Headland
Tree Pipit 8 W
Yellow Wagtail 60 W
Grey Wagtail 3 W
Redstart 4 Headland
Whinchat 6 (2 Hotel Gardens, 1 Icky Ridge, 3 Francis Bottom)
Wheatear 4
Cetti's Warbler 1 Cow Gap (ME)
Grasshopper Warbler 2 (1 Cow Gap, 1 gropper field)
Sedge Warbler 2
Reed Warbler 3
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 50
Garden Warbler 1 Cow Gap
Blackcap 14
Chiffchaff 1
Willow Warbler 22
Spotted Flycatcher 3 B/T wood
Pied Flycatcher 6-8 (1 Icky Ridge, 1 Cow Gap, 2 Old Trapping Area, 2 B/T with 2 others reported).
Bullfinch 1 Francis Bottom
Siskin 26 W
The following photographs were taken by Matt Eade.
Female/Juvenile Merlin
Whinchat in the Hotel Garden.
Pied Flycatcher in Cow Gap.
Grasshopper Warbler in Francis Bottom