Friday, 11 September 2020

11th September, 2020 Beachy Head Overcast becoming sunny W 2

LP covered a number of sites on the Headland. ME also covered a number of birding sites.
Small arrival of Chiffchaffs and out first Firecrest and Redpoll of the Autumn. Good diurnal passage of Siskins W and large numbers of hirundines on the move along the cliff edge.
Combined totals:

Swift 2
Tree Pipit 4 W
Grey Wagtail 5W
Pied Wagtail 3W
Yellow Wagtail 10
Meadow Pipit 30 W
House Martin c2,500++
Swallow 500
Sand Martin 10
Whinchat 2
Common Redstart 1
Wheatear 3
Common Whitethroat 30
Chiffchaff 40
Willow Warbler 2
Firecrest 1
Spotted Flycatcher 2
Common Redpoll 1
Siskin 180W

White Stork 2 over Headland (1 N and 1 W)  (one with the odd wing feathers missing) (ME,LP)

taken by Matt Eade
White Stork over the Headland 
(no doubt an introduced bird from the Knepp Estate)