Thursday, 10 September 2020

10th September, 2020 Beachy Head Fine and sunny cool at first

AR walked from the Hotel garden to Shooters Bottom area, RJF and FL covered  most sites including Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Cow Gap, the Rides, Birling lane, Crowlink and Belle Tout area.
Generally small numbers of common migrants present with a passage of Siskins. Highlights 
included a Marsh Harrier moving south and a Short-eared owl present on the Headland.
Combined Totals:

Sparrowhawk 1
Marsh Harrier 1S @ 09.00 (RJF, FL)
Short-eared Owl 1 (Behind Hotel Garden) (AR)
Tree Pipit 1
Yellow Wagtail 1 W
Whinchat 7
Stonechat 25
Wheatear 17
Common Redstart 3
Cetti's Warbler 1 heard Cow Gap (RJF and FL)
Reed Warbler 1 (Shooters Bottom)
Sedge Warbler 1 (Francis Bottom)
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 35
Blackcap 20
Willow Warbler 1
Chiffchaff 20
Spotted Flycatcher 2 (Shooters Bottom, and Francis Bottom)
Siskin 37+