Generally fewer common migrants today than yesterday although still a nice selection which included 60 Chiffchaffs which were chiefly in the Cow Gap Gully, 4 Common Redstarts, 3 Grasshopper Warblers and our first Goldcrest of the Autumn. A reasonable westerly overhead passage with 45 Yellow Wagtails, 37 Meadow Pipits , 2 Tree Pipits 6 Grey Wagtails, a good total of 86 Siskins, and 50 House Martins. 200 Swallows moved E.
Combined totals:
Swallow 200 E
House Martin 50W
Tree Pipit 2 W
Meadow Pipit 37W
Yellow Wagtail 45 W
Grey Wagtail 6 W
Common Redstart 4
Whinchat 8
Wheatear 6
Grasshopper Warbler 3 (2 Shooters Bottom, 1 above Old Trapping Area)
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 45
Blackcap 30
Chiffchaff 60 (majority in Cow Gap Gully)
Willow Warbler 6
Goldcrest 1 Cow Gap
Siskin 86 W
taken by Matt Eade
Grasshopper Warbler in Shooters Bottom.