There appeared to be a large clear out of migrants although the strong westerly breeze made birding difficult. The highlight was a Wryneck near the Hotel Garden, and very little in the way of diurnal migration was recorded.
Sparrow Hawk 1
Wryneck 1 near the Hotel Garden (ASC) - our first this Autumn.
Swallow just 7 seen
House Martin 80
Yellow Wagtail 4 Went Hill
Pied/White Wagtail 8
Whinchat 1
Whitethroat 3
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 8
Siskin several heard calling
Corn Bunting 4
Good numbers of common butterflies present including 1 Brown Argus and 3 Clouded Yellows.
Following pictures taken by Simon Linington
Clouded Yellow
Male Common Blue