Sunday, 15 October 2017


18th September, 2017 (Day 3) Early morning drizzle, Wind NE 3 veering N1

We waited for the drizzle to stop and the visited Skaw. On the way a Whinchat was seen from the car. The Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat was showing well this morning allowing us to photograph it, but otherwise Skaw was very quiet.  We next visited Vaylie but just singles of Blackcap and Willow Warbler were the only migrants seen. At North Dale a Yellow-browed showed nicely and 7 Twite were also seen.  We checked Burrafirth walled garden, before checking a new field at Clibberswick which just produced a number of Meadow Pipits, but did look very promising.

Showing the extensive white outer tails

Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat at Skaw

Yellow-browed Warbler at North Dale
Shags at Haroldswick .
19TH September, 2017 (Day 4) NW 3had a good view of the
Our early morning visit to Skaw with the Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat still present, but little else seen. Drove down to Lamba Ness again very quiet with 10 Ruff and a Blue Fulmar moving past with hundreds of Gannets and Fulmars. Also 2 Ruff at Millfield with one walking around David’s lawn. The single Pink-foot had now joined some of the local Grey-lags behind Millfield.
Blue Fulmar passing Lamba Ness

Ruff on the lawn at Millfield

White Wagtail on the lawn at Millfield.

20th September, 2017 (Day 5) Misty mild and very calm.
Early morning visit to Skaw in very calm quiet conditions. The only migrant seen was the Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat which showed very well and was flycatching most of the time. Onto Burrafirth and checked the walled garden but no migrants. We then walked the burn and again no migrants seen but a juvenile Gannet stood on the side of the burn which is only about 10 ft. wide. An otter was seen on the loch behind carrying a fish.
After a coffee break we headed out and checked the Heritage Centre but no joy. We stopped briefly at Buness where we saw a Yellow-browed Warbler and then visited Lund and Westing but just a Blackcap, and a juv. Red-throated Diver.
News then broke that Bryden had found a female Siberian Thrush at Ordaal. No sign when we arrived but it then showed briefly in flight before diving into a thick bush. After a few minutes it flew out and showed well in flight and we had a good view of its under-wings, but it was very difficult to see in the bushes with just poor views of it moving in the middle of the bush. Also seen were 2-3 Yellow-broweds and 1 Redpoll.
Late afternoon, went back to Ordaal and had a few more flight views of the female Siberian Thrush and just one 2 second view of it on the ground. Also visited Clingera but just 4 Mealy Redpolls.
Female Siberian Thrush at Ordaal taken by the finder
Brydon Thomason.

A stranded juvenile Gannet on Burrafirth burn.

21st September, 2017 (Day 6) Drizzle on and off all day, SE veering to SW 1.
Usual early morning visit to Skaw and on the way a Mealy Redpoll was by the side of the road. Skaw produced 2 Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroats and 6 Ruff flew over. At Burranfirth, the Gannet was still on the burn, and 2 Yellow-broweds were in the walled garden.
After a coffee break, we walked Norwick to Valyie and back and had 5 Yellow Broweds at Valyie and 2 at Norwick, also at Valyie a 1stW Common Rosefinch, Spotted Flycatcher, yet another Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat and a Mealy Redpoll.
We then visited Houlland unfortunately in the rain and also walked the long ditch but just I Chiffchaff and 1 Yellow-browed seen.
Spotted Flycatcher at Valyie

Common Rosefinch at Valyie.

22nd September, 2017 (Day 7) Fine sunny calm becoming SW 2-4.
Beautiful warm calm morning. Usual early morning visit to Skaw where the Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat was still present and a Pied Flycatcher was also seen. Onto North Dale where we located a second Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler and a shy Barred Warbler.
After breakfast, we made our way to Valyie where 2 Chiffchaffs, 3 Yellow-browed Warblers and yesterdays Spotted Flycatcher and Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat were seen. At Norwick a Goldcrest, Blackcap, another Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat (our 4th so far for this trip), and 1 Yellow-browed Warbler. A look at the fields at Clibberswick produced yet another Yellow-browed, and a visit to the garden at the Health Centre produced 2 more Yellow-broweds, 1 Willow Warbler and 2 Chiffchaffs.
No sign of yesterday’s Bluethroat at Houlland, but a Whinchat and 1 Yellow-browed, and our last visit for the day to Clingera where 2 more Yellow-browed’s and nice views of 8 Mealy Redpolls.
Yellow-browed Warbler 11 today (with 25 so far on the trip)
Blyth's Lesser Whitethroat in the sun at Skaw

Pied Flycatcher at Skaw

Barred Warbler at North Dale.

Spotted Flycatcher at Valyie

Yellow-browed Warbler in the Health Centre garden.

Mealy Redpolls at Clingera