September, 2017 (Day 8) Overcast cool SE 3-4 increasing to 5.
First visited Skaw but we were unable to find a single
migrant, a party of 15 Twite flew over but other than good numbers of Ravens
little else of interest seen. Onto Burrafirth and again just a single Wheatear
otherwise 2 Peregrines tussling with 12 Ravens little was seen in either the
walled garden and along the burn. A party of 9 Twite flew over here.
After breakfast, we drove up to Valyie, but by now the wind
had increased to force 5 and made birding difficult. We failed to find or hear
any migrants here.
After lunch, we went for a drive around the South of the
Island. Up to 400 Golden Plovers near Uyeasound with 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 6
Ruff feeding with the plovers. 2 Whooper Swans were with 30 Wigeon on the small
lochs, and a 1stW Glaucous Gull near the ferry terminal at Belmont. An Otter
was seen at Skeotaing. Arriving back at Millfield 8 Ruff flew over and 6 Twite.
David working the ditches at Skaw hoping for a Lancey.
Large numbers of Ravens all over Unst.
The first Whoopers of the Autumn on Loch Easter.
1stW Glaucous Gull at Belmont
September, 2017 (Day 9) Overcast dry SE 5-6
Our usual early morning visit to Skaw and we then moved onto
North Dale and the Heritage Centre Garden. Unfortunately, not a single migrant
seen. After breakfast, we visited Vaylie where 1 Willow Warbler and a Blyths
Lesser Whitethroat was present and at Norwick where a Brambling flew over
Millfield and another Willow Warbler was seen.
After a break, we then visited a number of sites including Clingera,
where we had 5 Mealy Redpolls, School Clump, the Pines where David had 1 Yellow-browed
and 1 Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat and the Health Centre Garden but the strong
winds again made birding very difficult.
Doreen and Brenda on the walk back from Valyie battling the strong SE wind.
My annual picture of the Autumn crocus at Valyie
Shetland Bee at Valyie.
September, 2017 (Day 10) Overcast becoming misty and rain. SE 3 to 5.
Very little at Skaw other than a few new Blackbirds and 4
Ruff flew over. Check of Norwick beach produced out first Purple Sandpiper.
Onto Vaylie where a Yellow-browed was calling at least 15 Blackbirds and the
Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat.
After breakfast, we first visited a small quarry near Burrafirth
where a male Snow Bunting showed well and then onto the burn at Burrafirth
where just a single Yellow-browed which also showed well.
News then broke of an American Wigeon on Easter loch at
Uyeasound. We made our way there and soon located the drake American Wigeon
which was coming out of eclipse plumage. It was with a small flock of European
Wigeon and once or twice it flew around the loch. The light was now very poor
for photography. There was also a Little Bunting nearby and we also had good
views of this in the rain.
With rain now settling in we returned to Millfield where a
Robin was present the first for the Autumn.
Purple Sandpiper in Norwick Bay, our first for this Autumn.
Snow Bunting in a quarry near Burrafirth
Yellow-browed Warbler at Burrafirth
American Wigeon on Easter Loch, Uyeasound.
Drake American Wigeon in flight showing the white auxiliaries.
Little Bunting at Uyeasound in the rain.
Another strong SE wind, we did our
early morning visit to Skaw where a single Blackcap was present, but little
else. Onto Vaylie where several new migrants were seen but in difficult
conditions with the wind. Migrants seen and heard were Redstart 1, Yellow-browed
Warbler 2+, Goldcrest 2+ Willow Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, and 1 male
Chaffinch. On Norwick beach, the Purple
Sandpiper was still present and was joined by a Dunlin.
After breakfast a visit to Setters
Hill pines where 1 Yellow-browed Warbler, 1 Garden Warbler, 1 Blackcap, 1
Willow Warbler, 1 Tree Pipit and 1 Robin were present. Also visited School
Clump but no migrants seen here other than a Robin.
Probably 30 Yellow-browed Warblers
for the trip so far.
Sunrise over Skaw, the last of the
sun we saw today.
Blackcap in our garden at Millfield.
Another very windy day and we made
our usual early morning visit to Skaw where migrants seen included Lesser
Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and brief views of a Reed Warbler before it
departed. Onto Valyie where we had a number of new migrants including both
single Redwing, Robin and Song Thrush, 4 Chaffinches, 2 Goldcrests, 1
Yellow-browed Warbler, 1 Blackcap and the highlight was a superb Long-eared Owl
which flew out of the Gully and showed well in the main clump.
After breakfast, we visited
Setters Hill Pines where the Tree Pipit showed well, also singles of Siskin,
Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff and Song Thrush. At the Health Centre garden just 2
Bramblings flew over, and at Clingera singles of Yellow-browed Warbler, Lesser
Whitethroat and Chiffchaff were seen. We then went to Hagdale Quarry where a
1stW Bluethroat had been reported. After searching for around 40 minutes we had
distant views as it seemed to be covering a large area. Also 2w Grey Wagtails
flew over calling.
Long-eared Owl at Valyie

Garden Warbler at Setters Hill Pines
Tree Pipit at Setters Hill Pines
Siskin at Setters Hill Pines.
Bluethroat at Hagdale Quarry