Saturday, 14 October 2017


16th September, 2017 (Day 1) Wind N 4-5

The start of our 28 day trip to Unst where we stayed with David and Brenda at Millfield

Arrived on the overnight ferry from Aberdeen and met up with David and Brenda mid-morning at Millfield. After unpacking our car etc., we ventured out early afternoon when the weather had improved.  We first visited Norwick where the fine adult male Ortolan Bunting showed well. After enjoying some good views we then moved onto Valyie where a Merlin showed well but virtually no migrants seen.  We walked back to Norwick and a Pink-foot flew over our heads.

After a break we checked the fields above Millfield where 14 Ruff were showing well. Onto North Dale but just a single Willow Warbler was seen. We finally again visited Norwick and the Ortolan was feeding along the sides of the road.

Adult male Ortolan Bunting at Norwick.
Single Pink-foot over Norwick.

Ruff at Norwick

17th September, 2017 (Day 2) Wind light NE 
Out by 7.00 am and first visited Skaw. Soon located a Blyth’s Lesser Whitethroat which had a distinctive sandy brown back and wings and good whiter outer tails. Very shy and unable to photograph it.  Three Ruff were flying around but little else seen.
We then visited Burrafirth where we covered the walled garden and the burn. Garden was quiet and the burn produced singles Blackcap and Willow Warbler. Four Herons arrived high up from the North and departed still high going South.  On the drive to Burrafirth, a party of about 12 ducks chiefly Mallards but also 3 Pintail and 3 Wigeon.
After a coffee break, we than walked around Norwick to Valyie. Another Grey Heron flew over with the highlight being a Yellow-browed Warbler at Valyie but showed poorly. Also singles of Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, and a Garden Warbler.
During the afternoon, we first visited Setters Hill Pines where another Yellow-browed Warbler was seen, and 150 Golden Plover flew over, onto the Health Centre Garden where a juvenile Cuckoo showed well and yet another Yellow-browed showed poorly. The School clump was quiet and our last visit was to Clingera with a further 2 Yellow-browed’s showed reasonably well
A total of 5 Yellow-browed's seen today.
Pintail near Burrafirth

Juvenile Cuckoo in the Health Centre Garden

      Yellow-browed Warblers at Clingera