Tuesday, 10 September 2019

9th & 10th September, 2019 Beachy Head.

9th September, 2019. Overcast mainly dry, wind SW.
News of a juvenile Montagu's Harrier showing well attracted a small number of birders. It was first seen poorly on the 7th and MEC on the 8th had a good clear flight view and was able to I/d it as a juv. Montagu's. Today it was seen well by a number of observers and LP obtained a series of photos.
It showed well up to 1.30 pm over the top fields.

LP also recorded the following:
Swift 20
Whinchat 3
Wheatear 4
Spotted Flycatcher 2

10th September, 2019. Fine and sunny, cool at first becoming warm. Wind E veering to W 1-2.
Unfortunately, no sign of the juv. Montagu's.
RE and MB were ringing in Whitbread Hollow. We covered with RKH Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, radio mast bushes, Hotel Garden, and Icky Ridge. AR also covered Shooters Bottom, areas which I did not cover, ME was covering the Belle Tout and Old Trapping Areas, LP and JP were covering the Headland, RB and RAB walked from Warren Hill  to Long Down Valley, Cornish Farm and Belle Tout. Several observers including GG also carried out a raptor watch from various points.
A fall of common night migrants which included 6 Spotted Flycatchers, 150 Blackcaps and 95 Chiffchaffs. A reasonable E movement of hirundines.
Combined totals as far as possible:

Grey Heron 1 NNW very high
Sparrowhawk 2 Headland
Common Buzzard 4 Headland
Kestrel 1 Headland
Hobby 1 Headland (LP&JP)
Merlin 1 Headland - Our first this Autumn (LP & JP)
Peregrine 1 Headland
Tawny Owl 2 Hollow
Swift 3
Sand Martin c150 E
Swallow c1,500 E
House Martin c100 E
Tree Pipit 6 Headland
Yellow Wagtail c50 Headland
Grey Wagtail 3 over Headland
Common Redstart 2 Headland
Whinchat 4 Headland
Wheatear 12 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Hollow
Reed Warbler 4 (3 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Lesser Whitethroat 4 (3 Headland, 1 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 15 (2 Hollow, 13 Headland)
Blackcap 150 (100 Hollow, 50 Headland)
Chiffchaff 95 (50 Hollow, 45 Headland)
Willow Warbler 6 (3 Headland, 3 Hollow)
Goldcrest 2 Birling
Spotted Flycatcher 6 Headland
Long-tailed Tit 14 Shooters Bottom (2 parties one of 4 and one of 10)
Raven 3
Goldfinch 70 Headland
Linnet 50 Headland

Brown Argus 1
Small Copper 2
Painted Lady 6
Small White 120+ Headland
Red Admiral 7

Migrant Hawker 1

Noctule Bat 1 in Whitbread Hollow - I/d with a bat detector (RE&MB)

Lesser Whitethroat in Shooters Bottom



Female type Common Redstart in the Old Trapping Area



 Spotted Flycatcher on the Headland

Red Admiral Butterfly