Sunday, 15 September 2019

15th September, 2019 Beachy Head Fine and sunny becoming hot later NW 0-1

A beautiful autumnal morning. We covered Birling lane, Belle Tout wood, Shooters Bottom, radio mast bushes. ME covered Cow Gap, Francis Bottom, up to the Rides, and then Long Down Valley. RE and AB were ringing in Whitbread Hollow and KG was also birding in Whitbread Hollow. We later joined ME and SL for a raptor watch from the Old Trapping Area.
Reasonable numbers of common night migrants especially Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. The highlight was that the juvenile Montagu's Harrier drifted high E @ 10.34. Many thanks Matt for your phone call. The Nuthatch was seen in Cow Gap which was probably the same bird recently ringed in Whitbread Hollow. A surprise was 3 Coal Tits of the English race Britannicus seen in the Cow Gap area. Another good day for hirundines moving, although no specific counts were made, just estimates.
Combined totals:

Grey Heron 1 high S out to sea
Montagu's Harrier 1 juv. drifted high E over the top fields @ 10.34 photo (SL, ME, JFC, DRC)
Sparrowhawk 2 Headland
Common Buzzard 5 (4 Headland and 1 Hollow)
Hobby 1 Headland (SL, ME)
Peregrine 1 Headland
Tawny Owl 1 Hollow
Green Woodpecker 3 (1 Hollow, 2 Headland)
Sand Martin c20
Swallow c800
House Martin c2,000
Yellow Wagtail 30 with cattle on the Headland
Grey Wagtail 2 Flew over Cow Gap
Pied Wagtail 3 Birling
Robin 14 Headland
Common Redstart 4 Cow Gap area
Wheatear 4 (2 Birling, 2 Cow Gap area)
Grasshopper Warbler 3 Hollow
Reed Warbler 9 (5 Hollow, 4 Cow Gap area)
Lesser Whitethroat 3 Cow Gap area
Common Whitethroat 35 ( 7 Headland, 18 Cow Gap area, 10 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 1 Hollow
Blackcap 285 (10 Headland, 75 Cow Gap area, 200 Hollow including 60 in one bush)
Chiffchaff 140 (52 Cow Gap area, 75 Hollow, and 13 Headland)
Goldcrest 10 (7 Cow Gap area and 3 Birling)
Spotted Flycatcher 6 (2 Hollow, 4 Cow Gap area)
Coal Tit 3 of the English race Britannicus in the Cow Gap area (ME)
Nuthatch 1 in the Cow Gap area.(ME)
Raven 3

Clouded Yellow 3 including one of the pale race helice.


Some of today's Yellow Wagtails

taken by Matt Eade
Nuthatch in Cow Gap

Above two pictures taken by Matt Eade
Juvenile Montagu's Harrier over the top fields.

Clouded Yellow of the pale helice form.
The upper-parts were as pale as the under-parts