Just small numbers of common night migrants were present on the Headland, but the main feature was the large easterly passage of hirundines. The passage started around 07.30 am and was mainly Swallows moving with around 10% were Sand Martins. Around 09.30 am House Martins started to move in very large numbers although still fair numbers of Swallows and Sand Martins also continued to move as well. I spent some time in Icky Ridge and large numbers of House Martins were watched moving just below the cliffs. It reminded me of the large movements we used to regularly see in the 1960's and 70's when up to 10,000 on a day were often recorded.
Little Egret 2 on Birling beach
Kestrel 1
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 Birling
Sand Martin c200 E
Swallow c2,000 E
House Martin c3,000 E
Meadow Pipit Flock of 65 in the top fields
Grey Wagtail 1 Birling
Wheatear 2
Common Whitethroat 2 Headland
Blackcap 13 Headland
Chiffchaff 10 Headland
Goldcrest 1 Birling
Long-tailed Tit 4 Shooters Bottom
In the afternoon, we visited Woods Mill Nature Reserve to look for dragonflies in the hope of seeing
the Willow Emerald a recent colonist to the UK. We also had a nice selection of other dragonflies.
We met up with Dave Sadler at this site.
20+ Willow Emerald Damselfly a good number were mating.
4 Brown Hawkers
4 Migrant Hawkers
Good numbers of Darters.
Willow Emerald Damselfly