Fair numbers of common night migrants but other than hirundines very little diurnal migration recorded. Highlight was the raptor watch when an adult female Honey Buzzard, juvenile Marsh Harrier and an Osprey were seen.
Late news for yesterday: RHC and EMC had an Osprey fly over in the late afternoon.
Combined totals as far as possible:
Honey Buzzard 1 adult female @ 11.25 W over Headland photos (SL,LP,JFC,DRC,GG)
Marsh Harrier 1 juv S @ 11 am photos (LP, JFC,DRC, RKH)
Sparrowhawk 2 Headland
Common Buzzard 4 Headland
Osprey 1 distant W @ 12.20, then @ 13.15 high S out to sea. photos (LP,SL GG)
Hobby 1 Headland (KH, RKH, RES)
Swift 17 over top fields
Sand Martin c50 Headland
Swallow c500 Headland
House Martin c50 Headland
Tree Pipit 3 Headland
Yellow Wagtail 55 Headland
White Wagtail 2 Birling area photo (SL)
Common Redstart 2
Whinchat 9
Wheatear 21
Grasshopper Warbler 5 Headland (KG)
Sedge Warbler 6 Headland
Reed Warbler 1
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 30
Willow Warbler 7
Spotted Flycatcher 3
Raven 1
Linnet 50
Clouded Yellow 3
Brown Argus 1
Adonis Blue 4
Painted Lady 20
Small White 100+
Red Admiral 3
Common Darter 2
Willow Warbler in the early morning sunlight at Birling.
Reed Warbler at Birling.
Wheatear near the radio mast bushes.
Juvenile Marsh Harrier on the raptor watch.
Adult female Honey Buzzard on the raptor watch.