Wednesday, 21 August 2019

21st August, 2019 Beachy Head Sunny periods warm E 0-1 to SE 2

A nice calm sunny early morning. We covered Birling lane and scrub, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, radio mast bushes, Hotel Garden and Icky Ridge. We then carried out a raptor watch from 10.50 to 12.10. with KH, RKH and RES and they also covered most of the sites on the Headland including Belle Tout wood. LP joined us at the raptor watch.
RE with 2 other members of the BHRG were ringing and watching in Whitbread Hollow.
Reasonable numbers of common night migrants which included 3 Grasshopper Warblers, and 2 Whinchats. Both Swallows and Sand Martins were seen moving S over the cliffs and out to sea.
Combined totals:

Little Egret 2 on Birling beach
Sparrowhawk 4+ (3+ Headland and 1 Hollow)
Common Buzzard 5 Headland
Peregrine 1 Shooters Bottom
Swift 4 Headland
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Sand Martin 32 (12 E and 20 S out to sea)
Swallow c450 (c250 feeding over top fields, 150 S out to sea, 50 E)
Pied Wagtail 5 Birling
Robin 8 Headland
Common Redstart 1 male Old Trapping Area
Whinchat 2 Birling area
Stonechat c20 Headland
Wheatear 2 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 3 Hollow
Sedge Warbler 2 (1 Hollow, 1 Shooters Bottom)
Reed Warbler 7 (6 Hollow, 1 Shooters Bottom)
Lesser Whitethroat 5 (4 Headland, 1 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 45 (20 Hollow, 25 Headland)
Garden Warbler 5 (4 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Blackcap 20 (15 Hollow, 5 Headland)
Willow Warbler 46 (31 Headland, 15 Hollow)
Long-tailed Tit 9 (5 Shooters Bottom, 4 Hollow)
Jackdaw 55 in the Hollow
Goldfinch 50 Headland

Wall butterfly 1 Old Trapping Area
Brown Argus 1 Old Trapping Area
Chalk Hill Blue 10 Headland
Small White 25 Headland
Painted Lady 20 Headland
Red Admiral 2 Hotel Garden

Willow Warblers on the Headland

Sedge Warbler in Shooters Bottom

Long-tailed Tit in Shooters Bottom

Peregrine over Shooters Bottom

Autumn Ladies Tresses at Birling

Painted Lady-up to 20 were seen on the Headland.