RE with 2 other members of the BHRG were ringing and watching in Whitbread Hollow.
Reasonable numbers of common night migrants which included 3 Grasshopper Warblers, and 2 Whinchats. Both Swallows and Sand Martins were seen moving S over the cliffs and out to sea.
Combined totals:
Little Egret 2 on Birling beach
Sparrowhawk 4+ (3+ Headland and 1 Hollow)
Common Buzzard 5 Headland
Peregrine 1 Shooters Bottom
Swift 4 Headland
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Sand Martin 32 (12 E and 20 S out to sea)
Swallow c450 (c250 feeding over top fields, 150 S out to sea, 50 E)
Pied Wagtail 5 Birling
Robin 8 Headland
Common Redstart 1 male Old Trapping Area
Whinchat 2 Birling area
Stonechat c20 Headland
Wheatear 2 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 3 Hollow
Sedge Warbler 2 (1 Hollow, 1 Shooters Bottom)
Reed Warbler 7 (6 Hollow, 1 Shooters Bottom)
Lesser Whitethroat 5 (4 Headland, 1 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 45 (20 Hollow, 25 Headland)
Garden Warbler 5 (4 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Blackcap 20 (15 Hollow, 5 Headland)
Willow Warbler 46 (31 Headland, 15 Hollow)
Long-tailed Tit 9 (5 Shooters Bottom, 4 Hollow)
Jackdaw 55 in the Hollow
Goldfinch 50 Headland
Wall butterfly 1 Old Trapping Area
Brown Argus 1 Old Trapping Area
Chalk Hill Blue 10 Headland
Small White 25 Headland
Painted Lady 20 Headland
Red Admiral 2 Hotel Garden
Willow Warblers on the Headland
Sedge Warbler in Shooters Bottom
Long-tailed Tit in Shooters Bottom
Peregrine over Shooters Bottom
Autumn Ladies Tresses at Birling
Painted Lady-up to 20 were seen on the Headland.