Tuesday, 20 August 2019

20th August, 2019 Beachy Head Sunny W 2-3

RE covered Birling lane, Belle Tout wood and surround,  Cornish lane and Shooters Bottom. KH, RKH and RES covered a number of sites on the Headland including the Old Trapping Area and Hotel Garden area, Shooters Bottom and Belle Tout wood.
Small arrival of  Willow Warblers and a few other common night migrants seen including our first Spotted Flycatchers of the Autumn. No sign of any diurnal migration.
Combined Totals:

Sparrowhawk 1
Kestrel 3
Green Woodpecker 1
Swallow 4
Tree Pipit 4
Wheatear 2
Common Redstart 2 (1 Hotel Garden area and 1 Old Trapping Area)
Blackcap 1
Lesser Whitethroat 3 (2 Old Trapping Area and 1 Shooters Bottom)
Common Whitethroat 26
Willow Warbler 37
Spotted Flycatcher 2 B/T wood
Long-tailed Tit 4 Shooters Bottom