Saturday, 25 February 2023

CYPRUS 10th - 17th April, 2013


10th - 17th APRIL, 2013

D., J.F. and Mrs D.R.Cooper and Ms. B. Kay

All photographs were taken by ourselves.


10th April, 2013          Arrived at Larnaca Airport at 15.30 Cyprus time. Picked up our car hire at the airport from Hertz. First visited the nearby salt lakes and sewage farm hide and then briefly onto Sprio's pool at nearby Meneou beach. We then drove to our villa which we were  renting for the week at Konnos Bay. Dark by 19.30 hrs.

Larnaca Sewage Farm - good numbers of waders etc.

View from our Konnos Bay Villa.

The villa and car we rented for our week's stay at Konnos Bay.

11th April, 2013         All day birding the various sites around Cape Greco. A fine calm day, and we first walked the area near the compound at the tip of the Cape. We then visited the nearby pines and also walked part of the cycle track. Onto the nearby stubble fields near the rubbish tip. Returned to the villa for lunch and then returned back to the Cape for the afternoon and evening.

Our first sunrise on Cape Greco.

Sunrise at Cape Greco looking towards the Viewpoint.

Now which way shall we go first!!

Cape Greco habitat, we walked this most mornings.

Looking along the limstone cliffs towards the point.

JFC waiting for the first rare birds.

    Doreen at Cape Greco.
12th April, 2013 Dawn visit to the compound area at the Cape. Another fine calm morning, with a light easterly breeze which produced a good fall of migrants with both Hoopoe and Roller seen arriving in off the sea. Our next visit was to the pines and the stubble field. We then decided to visit Paralimni Lake that was virtually dry although we found the Sotira Crake Pool that was playing host to 3 Spotted Crakes. We then returned to the cape for the evening.

       Looking towards the compound at Cape Greco.

Looking across the wheat fields at Cape Greco.

         Cape Greco lighthouse.

Looking along Cape Greco from the army camp,
The most south-eastern  point on Cyprus, so no surprise for a migrant trap.

Looking from Cape Greco towards the picnic site, which is another good site for migrants.

           The flat limestone top at Cape Greco.

The Sotira Crake Pool at Paralimni Lake.

13th April, 2013         Awoke to a W3 wind that soon subsided becoming hot and sunny. Arrived at the Cape at dawn to unfortunately find a number of hunters with dogs present, so we tried the nearby Church Picnic Area instead with singing Cyprus Warblers the highlight. We then tried the pines and then drove to the Agia Napa Sewage Farm where a Chameleon proved an unexpected highlight before returning to the Cape for the evening including an ineffective sea-watch.

 View on the beach.

             The Natural Bridge between Cape Greco and the picnic site.

Another migrant site opposite the Natural Bridge.

The walk from the Natural Bridge to the picnic site.
Another good site for migrants, and close to where we found the Olive-tree Warbler.

Doreen enjoying the walk from the Natural Bridge to the picnic site.

Sunset over the Mediterranean.

14th April, 2013       Awoke to wind W2 that veered to S2 as the day progressed. Arrived at the Cape to again find hunters and dogs running everywhere, so we again relocated to the Picnic Area. We then tried the Cyclops Cave headland at Konnos Bay before driving to Achna Dam where we found a male Little Crake and an adult Great Spotted Cuckoo. We then returned to the stubble field, the pines and the Cape in the evening.

The Cave Headland..

Perhaps we won't walk out to the Tip.

Looking over the bay to Cape Greco.

The blue clear Mediterranean sea.

Not looking at Gulls by any chance??

15th April, 2013       Awoke to a calm and overcast morning. Being Monday it proved quiet for people at the Cape, but unfortunately also for migrants despite a SE2 breeze picking up. We relocated to the rubbish tip area and then tried the pines where we flushed a Nightjar and a police helicopter flushed a female Rock Thrush into view. We then drove to Oroklini marsh and onto Larnaca Sewage Farm and the nearby Spiros Pool before being moved-on by the (friendly enough) military. We then returned to the stubble field and a still quiet Cape Greco.

David  birding at the Cave Headland.

A local view from the beach.

View of one of the salt lakes at Larnaca with a few Flamngoes on the far side.

16th April, 2013       We awoke to a S5 wind after overnight thunderstorms. It was very windy at the Cape, but more sheltered around the Picnic Area where we found a male Sardinian Warbler and an Olive-tree Warbler. We then tried the pines and the stubble field before returning to a quiet Cape and Picnic Area.

17th April, 2013       A beautiful fine calm morning. We walked the Cape, picnic site, stubble field and pines before returning back to the villa to finish packing. We then drove to Oroklini marsh and Larnaca checking the Salt Lakes and Sewage Farm hide before returning our hired car and flew back to Gatwick arriving home at 22.00 hrs.

Doreen awaiting the sunrise at Cape Greco.

Our final dawn at Cape Greco.

David birding Cape Greco on our final morning.

Another view of Cape Greco lighthouse.

Tekka Mosque, Larnaca.

Systematic Bird List

Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis
Five birds seen on the 15th with a single on the 17th all at Oroklini marsh.

Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
Just a single Night Heron with a large flock of Egrets at  Cape Greco on the 12th.

Night Heron with other Egrets.

Night Heron arriving in off the sea with Little, Great, and Cattle Egrets at Cape Greco.

Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
Just recorded on three dates with no more than six on a day. On the 15th, one was seen arriving at Cape Greco and had an unusual flight by holding its neck out-stretched.

    Cattle Egret

A single Cattle Egret arrived in off the sea during the early morning and landed briefly on the compound fence. Rather unusual, as it was flying with its neck outstretched, rather than the usual hunched up appearance.

Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
A migrant flock of 100+ was seen from the rocks at Cape Greco before departing, included in the flock was one Night Heron and several Cattle and Great Egrets.

A large migrant flock of approx.100 Egrets which included the one Night Heron.

Part of the flock of Little Egrets, with a few Cattle and Great Egrets 
and 1 Night Heron arriving at Cape Greco.

Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
Just a single bird seen on the 15th at Oroklini marsh.

Purple Heron - Ardea purpurea
Recorded on five dates with singles seen on three dates and migrant flocks of 12 on the 15th and 10 on the  16th.

Purple Heron sat in a pine tree.

Purple Heron arriving in off the sea at the Cyclops Headland.

A party of 10 Purple Herons arriving in off the sea.

Greater Flamingo - Phoenicopterus ruber
Only recorded at the Larnaca salt lakes with 60 on the 10th, 25 on the 15th but only 1 on the 17th.

Greater Flamingoes roosting and probably asleep on a Larnaca salt lake.

Teal - Anas crecca
Only seen from the hide at Larnaca Sewage Farm with 3 on the 10th, 10 on the 15th and 2 on the 17th.

Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
Up to 15 recorded on the 3 dates at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Pintail - Anas acuta
Three seen at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 10th and 2 there on the 15th.

Garganey - Anas querquedula
Only seen at Larnaca Sewage Farm, with 3 on the 10th and 5 on the 17th.

Drake Garganey at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

A pair of Garganey

Garganey at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Shoveler - Anas clypeata
Seen on our three visits to the Larnaca Sewage Farm with a daily maximum of 20 on the 10th.

Red-crested Pochard - Netta rufina
Six seen at Oroklini marsh on the 15th.

Pair of Red Crested Pochards at Oroklini marsh

Female Red Crested Pochard at Oroklini marsh.

Drake Red-crested Pochards on Oroklini marsh .

Marsh Harrier - Circus aeruginosus
Two were seen near the picnic area at Cape Greco on the 13th.

Pallid Harrier - Circus macrourus
During the morning of the 12th, six juveniles were seen at several sites around Cape Greco giving exceptional views and one was later seen on the 14th.

Female Pallid Harrier at several sites around Cape Greco

Another shot at the Pallid Harrier at sites around Cape Greco

Our third shot of the Pallid Harrier at sites around Cape Greco.

Our fourth shot of the female Pallid Harrier at sites around Cape Greco, showing its distinctive under-wing plumage.

Our 5th shot of the female Pallid Harrier at sites around Cape Greco

Our 6th shot of the female/juvenile Pallid Harrier at sites around Cape Greco

Our 7th shot of a female/juvenile Pallid Harrier over Cape Greco.

Our 8th shot of the female/juvenile Pallid Harrier over Cape Greco.

Our 10th shot of the female/juvenile Pallid Harrier over Cape Greco.

A second Juvenile/female Pallid Harrier came in over the wheat fields at the
Cape Greco, this individual had less rufous underparts.

Our second juvenile Pallid Harrier in the fields at Cape Greco.

               Juvenile/Female Pallid Harrier diving into the fields at Cape Greco.

Juvenile/Female Pallid Harrier in the fields at Cape Greco.

The Juvenile/Female Pallid Harrier diving into the fields at Cape Greco.
Juv. Pallid Hasrrier on the hunt.

Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus
Two singles were seen, with the first in the pines on the 14th and the second at Cape Greco on the 17th.

Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo
Our only sighting was of a single bird between the pines and the stubble field near the tip on the 15th and 16th.

Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus
Reasonable numbers were seen daily with a small influx noted on the 12th when 15 were seen in the Cape Greco area.

Hobby - Falco subbuteo
Two singles were seen with the first on the 12th and the second flew over the picnic area at Cape Greco on the 17th.

Peregrine - Falco peregrinus
Up to 2 recorded on four dates at Cape Greco and were also seen sitting on one of the masts in the compound area at Cape Greco.

Chukar - Alectoris chukar cypriotes
Recorded daily at Cape Greco often in double figures.

Chukar, just about the first bird we saw at Cape Greco.

Chukar playing hide and seek with us at Cape Greco.

Chukar at Cape Greco.

Black Francolin - Francolinus francolinus
A male showed well as it made its way across one of the dried up salt lakes at Larnaca on the 15th.

Male Black Francolin at Cape Grecko

Male Black Francolin crossing one of the Larnaca salt lakes.

Quail - Coturnix coturnix 
Singles were flushed at Cape Greco on three dates.

Water Rail - Rallus aquaticus
A single bird was heard calling from the Sotira Crake Pool on the 12th.

Spotted Crake - Porzana porzana
Three different birds were seen very well at the Sotira Crake Pool on the 12th.

Adult Spotted Crake at the Sotira Crake Pool.

Another view of the adult Spotted Crake.

Three differeent Spotted Crakes seen at the Sotira Crake Pool.

Spotted Crakes at Paralimna Lake - Three different birds were seen here.

Little Crake - Porzana parva
One possibly two were seen along the muddy edge of Achna Dam on the 14th.

Little Crake seen at the muddy edge of Achna Dam.

Little Crake trying to hide at the edge of Achna Dam.

Little Crake now showing itself.

Record shots of a distant male Little Crake at Achna Dam.

Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus 
Recorded on four dates in suitable habitat with a daily maximum of 20.

Coot - Fulica atra
Recorded on five dates in suitable habitat with a daily maximum of 40.

Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus
Recorded in fair numbers at both the Larnaca Sewage Farm and Oroklini marsh with a daily maximum of 70 on the 15th.

Black-winged Stilt at Okorina marsh.

Stone Curlew - Burhinus oedicnemus saharae
Just a single bird was flushed from the beach at the Cyclops Cave headland at Konnos Bay on the 14th.

Collared Pratincole - Glareola pratincola
Virtually our final bird of the trip, was one which showed well from the hide at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 17th.

Collared Pratincole from the hide at Larnaca Sewage Farm 

Collared Pratincole at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius
Just two singles were seen on the 15th and 17th at Larnaca.

Kentish Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus
Fifteen were seen feeding on a salt lake at Larnaca on the 15th.

Kentish Plovers at Spiros Pool.

Spur-winged Plover - Hoplopterus spinosus
Recorded on five dates in suitable habitat with a daily maximum of 30 on the 15th.

Spur-winged Plover at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Little Stint - Calidris minuta
Fifty seen on the 12th from the Sotira Crake Pool, 15 on the 15th at Oroklini marsh and 6 there on the 17th.

Little Stints feeding on Oroklini marsh.

Ruff - Philomachus pugnax
Forty were seen at Paralimni Lake on the 12th, four were seen on the 15th at Oroklini marsh with 2 on the 17th at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Ruff at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Snipe - Gallinago gallinago
Just four seen at Oroklini marsh on the 15th.

Snipe at Oroklini marsh.

Black-tailed Godwit - Limosa limosa
Just 2 were seen on the 15th at Oroklini marsh.

Black-tailed Godwit on Oroklini marsh.

Spotted Redshank - Tringa erythropus
Our only sighting was a single bird in summer plumage swimming at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 15th.

Spotted Redshank in partial summer plumage at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Marsh Sandpiper - Tringa stagnatilis
Two, one in summer plumage and the other in winter plumage at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 15th and 17th.

Two Marsh Sandpipers one in winter plumage and one in summer plumage at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Summer plumage Marsh Sandpiper in flight at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Greenshank - Tringa nebularia
Ten seen at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 10th with one on the 15th.

Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus
Seen on three dates but never more than 3 on a day.

Green Sandpiper at Paralimna Lake.

Wood Sandpiper - Tringa glareola
Recorded on 5 dates with a maximum of 15 on the 15th.

Wood Sandpiper at Paralimna Lake.

Wood Sandpiper in flight at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Common Sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
Just seen on three dates with a daily maximum of 4 on the 15th.

Common Sandpiper at Achna Dam.

Little Gull - Larus minutus
Singles were seen at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 15th and 17th with two separate individuals involved.

Black-headed Gull - Larus ridibundus
Recorded on three dates all from Larnaca Sewage Farm with a daily maximum of 6 on the 10th.

Slender-billed Gull - Larus genei
Eight seen at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 10th and 6 seen on the salt lakes on the 17th.

Audouin's Gull - Larus audouinii
Just recorded on three dates with 2 flying over Cape Greco on the 12th, one on the 15th patrolling the beach near the rubbish tip, and three on the 16th flying over Cape Greco.

Adult Audouin's Gull patrolling the Cave Headland.

An early morning adult  Audouin's Gull flying over Cape Greco.

Baltic Gull - Larus fuscus
Three including a full adult was present at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 10th, and one on the 16th.

Yellow-legged Gull - Larus cachinnans
Identified on five dates at various sites with a daily maximum of 12 on the 15th and 17th.

Armenian Gull - Larus armenicus
Three present at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 10th.

Third-summer, second-winter and first-winter Armenian Gulls at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Little Tern - Sterna albifrons
Two were present at Larnaca salt lakes on the 10th and one on the 15th.

Woodpigeon - Columba palumbus
Just odd birds were seen whilst driving on three dates.

Collared Dove - Streptopelia decaocta
Recorded daily in the villages.

Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur
Recorded on five dates with a daily maximum of 5 on the 13th.

Great Spotted Cuckoo - Clamator glandarius
A single adult was seen on the 14th at Achna Dam.

Poor record shot of a distant adult Great-spotted Cuckoo at Achna Dam.

Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus
Three singles were seen on the 10th, 13th and 17th.

Nightjar - Caprimulgus europaeus
One was flushed in the pine copse near Cape Greco on several occasions on the 15th.

Swift - Apus apus
Recorded on six dates with a daily maximum of 20 on the 15th.

Common Swift over the stubble field.

Bee-eater - Merops apiaster
Only heard calling, which sounded like more than one bird involved at Cape Greco on the 12th.

Roller - Coracias garrulus
Three at Cape Greco on the 12th including one bird which was seen arriving in off the sea, one sat on telegraph wires near Achna Dam on the 14th and two seen at Larnaca on the 15th.

Roller arriving in off the sea at Cape Greco.

     Adult Roller

As we were walking back to the car at dusk, a Roller flew in off the sea and landed in the compound. We quickly increased the camera Iso on our cameras, and managed a few record shots as the daylight had almost gone.

Roller on wires near Achna Dam.

Hoopoe - Upupa epops
Recorded on five dates mainly at Cape Greco with a daily maximum of six on the 12th including one bird which was seen arriving in off the sea.

Two Hoopoes were present on the Cape this evening.

A Hoopoe showed very well during the early evening sunlight at Cape Greco.

Wryneck - Jynx torquilla
Just two singles seen at Cape Greco, the first on the 12th and the second on the 14th.

Wryneck showing well in the evening sunlight at Cape Greco.

Short-toed Lark - Calandrella brachydactyla 
Eight seen in the stubble field near the rubbish tip on the 11th, three seen on the 13th, six on the 15th, two of which came in off the sea at Cape Greco, 2 on the 16th, and 20 in the fields around Larnaca on the 17th.

Short-toed Lark at Cape Greco.

Two Short-toed Larks in the stubble field.

Crested Lark - Galerida cristata cypriaca
Common around Cape Greco with up to 50 seen daily.

Crested Lark in the lay-by near the pine copse.

Crested Lark at Cape Greco.

Crested Lark at Larnaca salt lake.

Skylark - Alauda arvensis
Just a single bird seen in the stubble field near the rubbish tip on the 11th.

Sand Martin - Riparia riparia
Just recorded on 2 dates with 3 feeding over Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 17th.

Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Recorded daily in reasonable numbers with daily maximum of c200 on the 12th.

Swallow at Larnaca Sewage Farm.

Red-rumped Swallow - Hirundo daurica
Singles recorded on the 13th and 14th near the pine copse with 7 on the 16th in the Cape Greco area.

Red-rumped Swallow over Cape Greco.

House Martin - Delichon urbica
Recorded daily in small numbers with a daily maximum of 25 on the 15th.

Tawny Pipit - Anthus campestris
Four at Cape Greco on the 12th, with 2 in the stubble field on the 15th and 16th.

Tawny Pipit at Cape Greco.

Tawny Pipit in the stubble field near Cape Greco.

Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis 
Recorded on six dates in small numbers with the daily maximum of six on the 11th.

Tree Pipit near the picnic area.

Flava Wagtail - Motacilla flava
Disappointing with the small numbers seen. Twenty in the fields at Larnaca Sewage Farm on the 10th, but otherwise just four birds seen on three dates around Cape Greco.         
Flava Wagtail along the Cape road and taken at dawn with a high Iso camera setting.

Black-headed Wagtail - Motacilla feldegg
Singles seen on the 12th, 14th and 15th.

Male Black-headed Wagtail at Achna Dam.

White Wagtail - Motacilla alba
Twenty seen in the fields at Laranca Sewage Farm on the 10th, otherwise small numbers seen on three other dates.

White Wagtails at Achna Dam.

Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos
Recorded on six dates chiefly in the Cape Greco area and most were heard singing. Daily maximum of 6 on the 16th.

Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus
Odd birds recorded on four dates with three on the 14th.

Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra
Recorded on five dates chiefly in the stubble fields around Cape Greco with a daily maximum of six on the 14th.

Male Whinchat behind the stubble field near Cape Greco.

Isabelline Wheatear - Oenanthe isabellina
Two seen at Cape Greco on the 12th.

Adult Isabelline Wheatear at Cape Greco.

Northern Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe
Recorded daily with a maximum of 20 on the 11th.

Cyprus Wheatear - Oenanthe cypriaca
Recorded all but the first day, with a maximum of six on the 14th. Cyprus Wheatears at Cape Greco.
                                               Male Cyprus Wheatear at the Natural Bridge.

Male Cyprus Wheatear near the picnic site.

Male Cyprus Pied Wheatear at Cape Greco.

Male Pied or Cyprus Pied Wheatear at Cape Greco

Whilst presumably a Cyprus Pied, being so white-crowned, weak suffusion to its
 underparts and extensive white in its tail pattern, not such an easy male to assign!

Eastern Black-eared Wheatear - Oenanthe hispanica
Recorded on five dates with both black-throated and white-throated races being seen. A good arrival at Cape Greco on the 12th when 20 were seen in the area, only 4 seen on the 13th, 8 on the 14th, 3 on the 15th and then just two on the 16th.

This stunning male white-throated form of the Black-eared Wheatear was found
during the evening at the Cape.

Male Eastern Black-eared Wheatear of the black throated race.
A good influx of 20 were seen today.

Female Black-eared Wheatear at Cape Greco. 

Female Black-eared Wheatear at the picnic site.

Another male white throated form of the Black-eared Wheatear at Cape Greco.

Male white throated form of Black-eared Wheatear behind the stubble field.

Rock Thrush - Monticola saxatilis
Two females seen on the 15th, with the first was present opposite the pine copse and gave good but brief views before being flushed by a police helicopter, and the second a better marked bird was found on the rocks behind the stubble field and showed very well.

The first female Rock Thrush near the pines.

Our second female Rock Thrush for the day was found behind
the stubble field this evening, and was a richer coloured bird.

Cetti's Warbler - Cettia cetti
One seen and others heard singing on the 12th at the Sotira Crake Pool.

Fan-tailed Warbler - Cisticola juncidis
Small numbers seen and heard daily.

Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus fuscus
A number heard singing but only seen poorly on the 14th at  Achna Dam, but better views were obtained of the local race fuscus on the 15th when 10 were seen singing from acacia bushes along side the reed-bed at  Oroklini marsh. Unfortunately, they proved difficult to photograph as they sang from inside the acacia bushes.

Reed Warbler on Oroklini marsh.

Eastern Olivaceous Warbler - Hippolais pallida
Just a single bird seen well but briefly at the picnic site at Cape Greco on the 13th.

Olive-tree Warbler - Hippolais olivetorum
Probably the bird of the trip was found on the 16th between the Natural Bridge and the picnic site at Cape Greco. We were able to follow this bird as it showed well at a distance but would immediately disappear into cover if we tried to approach it nearer than 20 metres. At times it fed out in the open almost on the ground. We finally lost it in the thick bush area just behind the picnic site.

Olve-tree Warbler.

Olive-tree Warbler near the picnic site. Size of a Barred Warbler with a stonking yellow bill and large pale panel on its wings, white outer tails and longish primary projection. Although it would feed out in the open and sometimes on the ground, when you tried to approach nearer than 20 metres it would immediately disappear into a thick acacia tree.

Spectacled Warbler - Sylvia conspicillata 
Common in the Cape Greco area with up to 30 birds seen daily. Many were seen in their distinctive song display flight.

Male Spectacled Warbler in song at the Cape Greco.

Male Spectacled Warblers on our first morning at Cape Greco.

Female/Juvenile Spectacled Warblers in evening light at the Cape Greco.

Subalpine Warbler - Sylvia cantillans
Just a single female seen at Cape Greco near the compound area on the 11th.

Female Subalpine Warbler

Female Subalpine Warbler at Cape Greco, our only one seen on this trip.

Sardinian Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala
An adult male seen carrying food was seen by the Natural Bridge on the 16th.

Male Sardinian Warbler carrying food near the Natural Bridge at Cape Greco

Cyprus Warbler - Sylvia melanothorax

Male Cyprus Warbler at Cape Greco.

Adult male Cyprus Warbler near Cape Greco.

Our first adult male Cyprus Warbler for the trip behind the picnic site.

Another adult male Cyprus Warbler near the Natural Bridge site.

Female Cyprus Warbler near the Natural Bridge site.

Part of the family of Cyprus Warblers

Another family party of Cyprus Warblers near the picnic grounds.

A male Cyprus Warbler posing nicely for the camera behind the picnic site.

Ruppell's Warbler - Sylvia rueppelli
A pair was found and showed very well close to the compound area at Cape Greco on the 11th and 12th. The male was very showy giving excellent prolong views but the female was far less obvious


A superb male Ruppell's Warbler at Cape Greco, gave stunning close views.

Female Sardinian Warbler

The female Ruppell's Warbler at Cape Greco was far more skulking.

Female Ruppell's Warbler at Cape Greco.

Eastern Orphean Warbler - Sylvia hortensis crassirostris
A female showed very well at Cape Greco on the 12th.

Female Orphean Warbler at the Cape, which showed for just a few minutes,
before disappearing. In many ways appeared like a very large Lesser Whitethroat.

Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca
Recorded on five dates with a daily maximum of 15 on the 14th.

Lesser Whitethroats at Cape Greco.

Whitethroat - Sylvia communis
Small numbers recorded virtually daily with a daily maximum of 7 on the 17th.

Common Whitethroat at Cape Greco.

Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla
Recorded on five dates with a daily maximum of 12 on the 16th.

Eastern Bonelli's Warbler - Phylloscopus bonelli orientalis
One found feeding in the pines and showed well occasionally on the 11th.

Eastern Bonelli's Warbler in the pines. It was constantly calling
making a single chip note.

Wood Warbler - Phylloscopus sbiilatrix
Two seen in the pines on the 11th, with one still present on the 12th.

Wood Warbler in the pines.

Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita
One belonging to the race abietinus was present in the pines and calling a lot on the 13th, with two seen on the 14th.

Chiffchaff belonging to the race abietinus in the pines. It was calling
a lot and the call was very distinctive from our Chiffchaff, more similar to a Siberian Chiffchaff.  

Collared Flycatcher - Ficedula albicollis
Recorded daily in the pines/Cape Greco area often giving stunning views. Daily maximums of 3 seen on the 11th and 12th. Majority were males, although two females were also identified.

An exciting arrival was this stunning male Collared Flycatcher which arrived during the afternoon at Cape Greco.

John & David photographing the Collared Flycatcher.

Male Collared Flycatcher at Cape Greco. We will probably never get another chance to photograph one so close. Stunning!!

The pictures don't look too bad!!

Doreen checking her Collared Flycatcher pictures.

Male Collared Flycatcher on the fence around the compound at Cape Greco.

Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca
Three single males were seen on the 11th, 12th and 14th. The last bird had a large white panel on its wings, much more extensive than usual.

Great Tit - Parus majorin 
Just two seen in the olive grove behind our villa at Konnos on the 13th.

Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio
Two males seen on the 13th, with a male and female on the 14th and a female on the 17th.

Male Red-backed Shrike with lizard at Cape Greco.

Woodchat Shrike - Lanius senator
Recorded virtually daily with the daily maximum of four on the 16th.

Adult male Woodchat Shrike in scrub opposite the pine copse.

Woodchat Shrike near the Natural Bridge.

An adult male Woodchat behind the stubble field.

Masked Shrike - Lanius nubicus
A male was seen briefly behind the picnic area on the 13th and a second male was seen in the bush area behind the pines on the 14th.

A distant female Masked Shrike near the pines briefly before quickly departing.

Magpie - Pica pica
Just recorded in small numbers on four dates chiefly whilst we were driving.

Jackdaw - Corvus monedula
Up to 4 seen near the stubble field on several dates.

Hooded Crow - Corvus corone sardonius
Small numbers seen virtually daily whilst driving with a daily maximum of 15 on the 17th.

House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
Common around towns and also at the picnic site at Cape Greco.

Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis
Recorded on six dates with a small breeding colony present in one of the hotels and a flock of 120 feeding in the wheat field at Cape Greco on the 12th.

A large flock of House Sparrows.

Flock of 120 Spanish Sparrows were seen during the evening at
Cape Greco, feeding in the wheat field.

Greenfinch - Carduelis chloris
Up to 10 present at the picnic grounds at Cape Greco during our stay.

Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
Seen in small numbers during our stay with a daily maximum of 20.

Ortolan Bunting - Emberiza hortulana
Recorded on five dates with daily maximums of 9 in the stubble field on the 16th and 20 of which a flock of 15 were in the stubble field on the 17th.

Adult male Ortolan Bunting at Cape Greco.

 Ortolan Bunting behind the stubble field.

Adult male Ortolan Bunting in the scrub behind the stubble field.

Cretzschmar's Bunting - Emberiza caesia
A male sat on telegraph wires between the pines and stubble field on the 11th, and a female found during the evening of the 12th at Cape Greco, this bird showed down to just a few feet.

Adult female Cretzschmar's Bunting enjoying the evening sunlight on Cape Greco.

Corn Bunting - Miliaria calandra
Recorded on three dates with 4 on the 16th at Cape Greco and probably related to migrants.

Corn Bunting at Cape Greco.


Butterflies, Reptiles etc.

Lulworth Skipper near the picnic site.

Clouded Yellow type butterfly - common in the area.

Blue Butterfly at Cape Greco

Locust type on the Cyclops Cave Headland.

Your guess is as good as mine ??

Lizard sp. near the  Agia Napa Sewage Farm.

Lizard guarding the toilet block in the pines.

Lizard type at Cape Greco

Chameleon near the Agia Napa sewage farm.


Dragonfly Sp. at Paralimna Lake

Sunset over the picnic area.

References: Stagg & Hearl  "A birdwatching guide to Cyprus". 2001.