Generally fairly quiet for night migrants with a Pied Flycatcher seen and surprisingly a Barn Owl was flushed in the Cattle Field, which is only our 8th record but this does not include a report of a breeding pair in Long Down Valley in 1972. Matt saw the first Firecrest of the Autumn near the Hotel Garden and yesterday's Marsh Harrier was seen flying E along Birling beach. An early passage of hirundines and then good numbers were feeding over the top fields during the raptor watch.
Fulmar 2
Little Egret 1 Birling beach
Marsh Harrier 1 E along Birling beach @ 08.10 (same bird as yesterday).
Sparrowhawk 5 (3 Headland and 2 Hollow)
Common Buzzard 15 (11 in a kettle over Top fields, + 4 other birds including 1 in the Hollow)
Kestrel 4 (3 on Headland: 2x1stW and 1 adult and 1 in the Hollow)
Peregrine 2
Curlew 4 W over top fields and then out to sea
Tawny Owl 2 Hollow
Barn Owl 1 flushed from Cattle Field (Our 8th record)(RAB)
Stonechat 10 Headland
Wheatear 3 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Hollow
Reed Warbler 19 (4 Headland and 15 Hollow)
Lesser Whitethroat 6 (4 Hollow and 2 Headland)
Common Whitethroat 65 (45 Headland and 20 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 2 Hollow
Blackcap 46 (40 Hollow and 6 Headland)
Chiffchaff 1 Headland
Willow Warbler 16 (10 Headland and 6 Hollow)
Goldcrest 1 Hollow (Re-trap from 28/8/18)
Firecrest 1 Headland (ME) first for this Autumn.
Spotted Flycatcher 1 Hollow
Pied Flycatcher 1 Cattle Field (RAB)
Jay 1 Hollow
Starling 400 (including flock of 300 top fields)
House Sparrow 40+ Birling.
Marsh Harrier flying along Birling Beach
Just a few Willow Warblers passing through now.
Autumn Ladies Tresses still showing at Birling.