Very dull mild morning. Sea-watched from 08.00-08.30 but virtually nothing moving with just 4 Gannets and 1 Scoter W. Couldn't add Fulmar to the year list. We walked the Birling loop where a fine adult male Dartford Warbler which sang on several occasions and was the highlight. Otherwise just 2 Stonechats, 2 Meadow Pipits and a Kestrel were also seen. Met up with RE who saw 3 Rock Pipits on Birling beach and then covered Belle Tout wood and the Hollow but little else seen.
It was now raining so we departed and stopped off at Newhaven Harbour. The tide was extremely high so no gulls of note, but 5 Purple Sandpipers were present on the very top of the east pier, 50+ Dunlin were on the rocks by the west pier and the immature Great-northern Diver was fairly distant in the harbour.
Adult male Dartford Warbler on the Birling loop.
Immature Great-northern Diver showing distantly in Newhaven harbour.