Wednesday, 6 December 2017

6th December, 2017 Beachy Head Overcast mild WSW 2 increasing to 3-4.

With a number of interesting birds ie Black Guillemots, Red-necked Grebes and Great Northern Divers seen recently in the Channel off the Sussex coast I decided to do a sea-watch off Birling from 08.05-09.05, but unfortunately it was a some-what waste of time.

Red-throated Diver 4 (3E and 1 on the sea)
Fulmar 2
Gannet 60 chiefly E
Common Scoter 4 W
Lesser Black Backed Gull 4 on Birling beach
Greater Black Backed Gulls 115 chiefly adults on Birling beach.
Kittiwake 2 E
Auk Sp. 5 E
Guillemot 1 E
Razorbill 1 s/p E
Stonechat 2
Raven party of 4 over Birling cliffs.

Part of the Gull flock on Birling beach