Red-throated Diver 60 (9E 47W and 4 on sea)
Great-crested Grebe 4 (2 on sea and 2 E)
Fulmar 6
Gannet 41 chiefly E
Brent Goose 20 (19 E and 1W)
Wigeon 5 E
Teal 1 E
Pintail 7 E
Common Scoter 5 E
Common Gull 80 sat on the sea
Kittiwake 3 E
Auk Sp. 5 E
Razorbill 10 (2 E and 8 on the sea)
Green Woodpecker 1
Rock Pipit 2 in Birling car park
Dartford Warbler 1 Birling loop
Corn Bunting 1 singing at Birling.
A confiding male Dartford Warbler on the Birling loop.