A very pleasant early morning but by 08.00 low cloud had arrived causing fog over the Head. We covered Birling lane and scrub, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area but the remainder of the area was covered in fog. RE also covered Birling lane and the Birling to Belle Tout loop, Belle Tout wood and the Cornish Farm track. An early influx of 40 Meadow Pipits, but otherwise no new migrants were seen .
Common Buzzard 1
Swallow 19
Meadow Pipit 40
Song Thrush 1 singing
Common Whitethroat 16
Corn Bunting 10+ (several juveniles seen)
Belted Hoverfly-Volucella zonaria 1 present at the top of Birling lane was considered to be this specie. Thanks to RE for this identification.
(taken by Peter Brooks)
Thunder storms over Belle Tout lighthouse during last night.
Swallow at Birling
Juvenile Corn Bunting near Birling.
Breeding population at Beachy has increased this year to
around 10 pairs and odd birds have been heard singing from the
gorse area above Belle Toutwood. A number of juveniles
have been seen recently.