RE commenced this Autumn's ringing season in Whitbread Hollow. As expected not to much happening although a Reed Warbler was an obvious migrant. Also present 6 Blackcaps including a re-trap which was first ringed in 2014 and 15 Chiffchaffs with the majority ringed were juvenile birds. Also a Song Thrush in song.
LP visited the Headland which was very quiet.
17th July, 2017
We visited the Headland and covered Birling lane and scrub, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden and Icky Ridge meeting up with AR and LP both who were birding the headland. Once again the strongish wind proved troublesome although small numbers of Sand Martins, Swallows and Swifts moved E otherwise just the odd night migrant seen, also 2 Great-spotted Woodpeckers.
Combined totals:
Swift 21 E
Great-spotted Woodpecker 2 (1 Shooters Bottom & 1 flew E over the Old Trapping Area)
Sand Martin 20 E
Swallow 47 E
Meadow Pipit 10
Reed Warbler 1 Old Trapping Area
Common Whitethroat 24
Willow Warbler 3
DRC looking for migrants at Birling
Adult Common Whitethroat in the Old Trapping Area.