Sunday, 16 April 2017

16th April, 2017Beachy Head Overcast cool NW 2 to 3

Generally a quiet morning with just small numbers of summer migrants. We covered Birling lane, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge and Belle Tout Wood. LP visited Whitbread Hollow, Cow Gap and the Gully.

Kestrel 1
Tawny Owl 1
Swallow 5 in off the sea
House Martin 1 in off the sea (our first for the year)
Yellow Wagtail 1 over the Hollow (perLP) (our first for the year)
Black Redstart 1 singing (per LP)
Common Redstart 1 male Hotel Garden
Wheatear 4
Blackcap 2
Chiffchaff 2
Willow Warbler 18
Raven 1
Siskin 1 over the Hollow (perLP)

Update from LP, who spent all day with a friend covering most sites on the Headland including Went Hill, and the Crowlink area and in addition to the above saw the following: 1 Merlin, 3 more Redstarts, 1 Firecrest, 3 more Wheatears, 1 female Pied Flycatcher on Went Hill, 10 Common Whitethroats, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 15 Blackcaps, and 65 Swallows in off the sea.

Yesterday Bob had a female Ring Ouzel in the Hollow.

Blackcap in full song in Belle Tout wood