A very calm mild overcast morning which encouraged a reasonable fall of Willow Warblers, our best so far this year, but the highlight for me was hearing a Grasshopper Warbler reeling which must be the first time I have heard one at Beachy in the Spring for around 20 years, this is due to my very new pair of hearing aids.
We covered Birling lane, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path and Belle Tout wood. RE covered Birling lane and Birling/Belle Tout loop, Shooters Bottom and the Cornish Farm track. RKH also joined us at the Hotel Garden.
Brent Goose 35 E
Common Buzzard 1
Red-legged Partridge 3
Collared Dove 1 flew over the Hotel Garden
Swallow 8 N
Alba Wagtail 1 over
Common Redstart 1 male
Wheatear 3
Grasshopper Warbler 1 reeling in the Hotel Garden
Common Whitethroat 3
Garden Warbler 1 (our first for the year)
Blackcap 4
Chiffchaff 6
Willow Warbler 65 (our largest fall so far this year)
Raven 2