Tuesday, 11 April 2017

11th April, 2017 Beachy Head Fine sunny and very clear but a cool NW breeze

Another fine and sunny day with a cool NW breeze. Met up with RE who was covering Birling lane, and then we covered the Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path, Shooters Bottom and Belle Tout wood. RE visited Whitbread Hollow and Cow Gap and the Gully area. Fewer migrants seen than yesterday with 2 Whitethroats of which one was seen arriving out of the sky and landed into some brambles.

Peregrine 2
Stock Dove 2 over the Old Trapping Area (my first for the year)
Tawny Owl 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Alba Wagtail 1 over
Common Redstart 1 male
Song Thrush 2
Common Whitethroat 2
Blackcap 7
Chiffchaff 11
Willow Warbler 16
Raven 1
Linnet 30
Corn Bunting 7 singing

Early Purple Orchid 3 in flower

Chiffchaff in the Old Trapping Area

Willow Warbler along the Cliff Path

Male Common Redstart near the old Trapping Area

The first Early Purple Orchids in flower for the year