Monday, 10 April 2017

10th April, 2017 Beachy Head Fine and sunny NW 2-4

We birded Birling Lane, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge and the Cliff Path,
Shooters Bottom and Belle Tout wood, meeting up with RE who also covered Birling loop and Whitbread Hollow and LP who covered several sites on the Headland.
Small fall of common night migrants.

Tawny Owl 1
Swallow 1
White Wagtail 2
Common Redstart 1 male (perLP)
Wheatear 10
Song Thrush 2
Common Whitethroat 1 (our first for the year)
Blackcap 12
Chiffchaff 10
Willow Warbler 40
Long-tailed Tit 1
Raven 4
Corn Bunting 5 singing

Two White Wagtails seen on the Headland today

Chiffchaff in Shooters Bottom

Small overnight fall of Willow Warblers

Our best day this year so far for Blackcaps

2 Ravens over the Hotel Garden

Odd looking boat of Cow Gap