Monday, 16 May 2016

16th May, 2016 Beachy Head and Kithurst Meadow Fine clear and warm Wind light and variable.

A beautiful morning with just the odd migrants seen. Covered Birling lane, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path and Belle Tout Wood. Met up with Bob who had also visited the Birling loop. An interesting Common Swift came in over the Cliff Path and moved off north which I was able to obtain one photograph.

Swift 2 N
Swallow 15 N
House Martin 3 N
Song Thrush 2
Reed Warbler 1 singing
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Common Whitethroat 25
Blackcap 2 singing
Chiffchaff 4
Firecrest 1 Birling
Spotted Flycatcher 1 Shooters Bottom
Corn Bunting 3

Wall Butterfly 5
Small Heath 1 (our first for the year)
Dingy Skipper 2
Small White 10
Large White 2

Juvenile Robin at Birling

Firecrest at Birling

An interesting looking Common Swift with a pale vent and
under tail coverts. It quickly moved north over the cliff path 
and lost to view. Just time for 1 picture before it disappeared.

House Martin moving north over the cliff path.
Just getting some practice for the Crag Martin!!

Small Heath

During the afternoon, we paid a very brief visit to Kithurst meadow. Doreen immediately picked out a Duke of Burgundy Fritillary and after several minutes it chased a second Duke of Burgundy, so I guess a male and female. Luckily the male returned for 10 minutes more to feed. The Duke is probably my favourite butterfly and I first saw them back in the 1970's. Several Brimstones, 2 Red Admirals, Whites, and 1 Green Hairstreak were also seen in about a 30 minute visit.

Male Duke of Burgundy Fritillary at Kithurst meadow

Green Hairstreak at Kithurst meadow