We sea-watched from 06.45-09.15 and although the sea passage had fewer birds than yesterday there was still a good variety of species. Both Bob Edgar and Ron Knight joined us for the sea-watch.
We then covered Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden and Belle Tout wood and Bob covered the Birling lane, Birling loop and Belle Tout wood. Very few migrants if any had arrived overnight and the recent Firecrest bonanza had now fizzled out with none being seen. Highlight was a juvenile Red Kite which was mobbed by one of our local Ravens.
Red-throated Diver 51 E
Great-crested Grebe 2 on the sea
Gannet 58 E
Brent Goose 35 E
Shelduck 1 E
Shoveler 2 E
Common Scoter 191 E
Red-breasted Merganser 2 E
Red Kite 1 juv W
Sparrowhawk 1
Red-legged Partridge 2
Arctic Skua 5 E (4 d/p and 1 l/p)
Bonxie 1 E
Mediterranean Gull 1 E
Little Gull 18 E
Black-headed Gull 10 E
Common Gull 20 E
Kittiwake 60 E
Sandwich Tern 80 E
Commic Tern 3 E
Alba Wagtail 1 W
Song Thrush 1 in Shooters Bottom
Willow Warbler 1 seen by LP in Shooters Bottom
Chiffchaff 4
Raven 1 mobbing the Red Kite
Linnet 8
Corn Bunting 4 singing

Juvenile Red Kite being mobbed by a Raven