Good passage of Kittiwakes with several parties of Little Gulls and another fine Black-throated Diver.
Firecrests were showing well today in strong sunlight but otherwise migrants were thin on the ground. A Red Kite flew W along the cliffs.
Red-throated Diver 47 E
Black-throated Diver 1 E in s/p
Great-crested Grebe 1 on the sea
Gannet 15E & 5W
Brent Goose 424 E
Common Scoter 347E
Velvet Scoter 1E
Red-breasted Merganser 8E
Red Kite 1W @ 12.35
Peregrine 1 (attacked the Red Kite)
Arctic Skua 1 d/p E
Mediterranean Gull 3 E
Little Gull 27E
Common Gull 27E
Kittiwake 390 E (probably under-recorded)
Sandwich Tern 205 E
Common Tern 9E
Auk Sp. 6E
Alba Wagtail 2 N
Wheatear 2 (at long last)
Blackcap 1 (per RDME)
Chiffchaff 3
Firecrest 7 (4 Shooters Bottom, 2 Hotel Garden, 1 Old Trapping Area)
Brent Geese moving past Birling
Red Kited over the Headland in haze
A selection of today's Firecrests taken in strong sunlight.
An unusual view from the rear!!
Firecrests at Beachy