Sunday, 24 April 2016

24th April, 2016 Beachy Head Overcast with a very cold N 4-5

Just a short sea-watch from 07.20-07.50 in a very cold north wind. We then covered virtually all the sites on the Headland apart for the Birling loop. Very little seen on the sea-watch with 2 Little Gulls moving west and almost appearing to be heading towards the Cuckmere. After yesterday's effort when no warblers were seen or heard, somewhat surprisingly there were a small arrival of Willows and Whitethroats although numbers were very small.

Cormorant 12 E
Common Scoter 2 E
Common Buzzard 2
Little Gull 2 W
Razorbill 2 E
Swallow 2
Rock Pipit 1
Common Redstart 1 female Hotel Garden
Wheatear 1
Common Whitethroat 9
Willow Warbler 16
Chiffchaff 3
Carrion Crow 2 in off the sea
Raven 2

Early Spider Orchid 7
Common Whitethroat in Belle Tout wood

7 Early Spider Orchids showing today