Sunday, 6 March 2016

6th March, 2016 Beachy Head Early frost sunny clear cold N2-3

Just a short sea-watch from 07.30-07.50 but once again virtually no movement logged with the cold N wind.
We then covered Birling lane, Birling loop and Belle Tout wood but no sign of any movement.
On the journey home we had a Red Kite being mobbed by a Common Buzzard.

Common Scoter 4 E
Common Buzzard 2
Common Gull 70
Auk Sp. 3 W
Green Woodpecker 1
Alba Wagtail 1 W
Stonechat 5
Carrion Crow 2 W out to sea
Raven 1
Greenfinch 1 pair Birling
Goldfinch 25
Corn Bunting 4

The bright red crown was taken in strong sunlight.

Green Woodpecker at Birling