Saturday, 5 March 2016

5th March, 2016 Beachy Head Sunny clear but cold NNW 2 increasing to 3

We sea-watched from 07.40-08.25 but again with the north wind little was moving. We then covered Birling lane, Birling loop and Belle Tout wood. Nice to see our first proper Spring migrant with a female type Black Redstart our first for this year at Birling, also at least 3 Siskins flew over and a Grey Heron arrived high in off the sea. The highlight without doubt was a superb show of a Peregrine which had just made a kill and then was annoyed by 2 Crows which tried to get in on the act, (see pictures below).

Red-throated Diver 5 E
Great-crested Grebe 2 E
Grey Heron 1 high in off the sea
Brent Goose 7 E
Peregrine 2
Mediterranean Gull 1 ad (partial s/p) on the sea and then E
Common Gull 20
Auk Sp. 12 W
Alba Wagtail 1 W
Black Redstart 1 female type Birling
Stonechat 3
Song Thrush 1
Raven 1
Goldfinch 20
Siskin 3+

Brent Geese at Birling

A newly arrived and somewhat bedraggled female type Black Redstart.



Peregrine just made a kill and then annoyed by 2 Crows at Birling.