Saturday, 12 March 2016

12th March, 2016 Beachy Head Sunny warm with mist at sea NE-N 0-1

After a foggy drive over, as we turned onto the Beachy Head road the sun came out and no fog but a sharp frost. Only a short sea-watch from 07.35-07.55 and we then covered all the main sites on the headland. A beautiful calm sunny morning and although the sea-watch was very quiet, a few new migrants were seen with the highlight being a Firecrest and a fine looking White Wagtail although we were unable to find any Chiffchaffs.

Great-crested Grebe 1 E
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1
Curlew 1
Mediterranean Gull 6 E
Common Gull 50 virtually all adults
Collared Dove 2 Birling (1 seen to arrive in off the sea)
Green Woodpecker 1
Meadow Pipit 2
Pied Wagtail (1 and 1 alba W)
White Wagtail 1 Birling
Robin 15
Stonechat 12 (arrival of 8 new birds)
Firecrest 1 Birling
Carrion Crow 2 W out to sea
Raven 3
Goldfinch 20
Linnet 50
Reed Bunting 1 Shooters Bottom (scarce during the Spring)
Corn Bunting Flock of 20 + 4 singing

Collared Dove at Birling


 Fine looking White Wagtail at Birling

Reed Bunting taken against the sun in Shooters Bottom