At Newhaven, a stranded Guillemot which a first-winter Greater Black-backed Gull was taking interest in which the following pictures tells the story.
Stranded Guillemot in Newhaven harbour
1stW Greater Black-backed Gull takes an interest
The Gull attacks
The Guillemot defends
The Guillemot now takes control
It now attacks the Greater-Black-backed Gull
The Greater Black-backed Gull accepts defeat.
Onto Lewes Brooks and large increase in the numbers of birds present with large numbers of Teal, Wigeon, Lapwings, Black-headed Gulls and Starlings. Also c15 Pintail and the 4 White-fronted Geese were also present. Several times all the birds took flight which was an amazing sight, but we were unable to pick out any raptors which may have been the cause.
Adult White-fronted Goose with Grey-lags