Adult White-fronted Goose at Pett Level.

(Digi-scoped by David Cooper)
Two Ruff at Pett Level
Little seen on Scotney apart for the usual flock of about 80 Barnacle Geese including the usual hybrids.
Briefly visited the Dungeness Reserve didn't attempt the hides but did see the Long-eared Owl, Great White Egret and a Tree Sparrow. Our main purpose of the visit was to check out the Gulls by the fishing boats. No sign of the Glaucous but the juvenile Caspian Gull was again showing down to just a few yards range.
1stW Caspian Gull
Long-eared Owl
On our way home, we were passing a lake opposite North Point Lake near Rye and a Great White Egret was showing well and being in Sussex I took a few pics.
Great White Egret near North Point lake, near Rye.