Tuesday, 29 December 2015

29th December, 2015 Birling Gap and Rodmell Overcast, mild SW 5

We did an hours sea-watch from 8.20 am to 9.20am

Red-throated Diver 7 E, 9 W
Little Egret 1 on beach
Gannet c.10 E, c.10 W
Fulmar 3
Brent 8 E, 6 W
Scoter 1 E female
Wigeon 16 E
Common Gull 45 E
Mediterranean Gull 5 E all ad w/p
Guillemot 4 E
Auk sp. 4E

Stonechat 1

We then visited Rodmell
White-fronted Goose 4 with a party  Grey-lags


White-fronted Geese with Grey-lags at Rodmell