We first stopped off at Pett Level and Doreen quickly picked out the Glossy Ibis feeding fairly close to the road, unfortunately it was soon flushed by a Kestrel which landed close by and the Ibis flew towards the back of the pit.
After doing some more birding we moved on to the Sussex side of Scotney Gravel Pit where we found a fine Tundra Bean Goose feeding.
Onto Dungeness, where the Long-eared Owl was giving some poor views towards the back of a bush near the Visitors Centre. Driving to the fishing boats we enjoyed some superb views of a first winter Caspian Gull.
As we returned to Sctoney, 4 White-fronts had joined the Tundra Bean Goose and passing Pett Level towards dusk, the Glossy Ibis was having a fly around and landed on the pools close to the road.
Pett Level
Glossy Ibis 1
Ruff 18
Marsh Harrier
Scotney Gravel Pit (Sussex side)
Tundra Bean Goose 1
White-fronted Goose 4
Grey-lag c400
Barnacle Goose with usual hybrids 50
Marsh Harrier 1
Great White Egret 1
Goldeneye 5
Smew 1 Red-head
Marsh Harrier 2
Scandinavian Herring Gull c10
Caspian Gull 1st W's
Long-eared Owl 1
Plus the usual assortment of ducks.
The morning sighting of the Glossy Ibis at Pett Level.

Digi-scoped by DC
Tundra Bean Goose at Scotney (Sussex side)

Digiscoped by DC.
Long-eared Owl at Dungeness
Stunning views of a Great White Egret on the ARC pit at Dungeness
1st W Caspian Gull (right) with 1stW Herring Gull for comparision
The 1stW Caspian Gull at Dungeness
1stW Caspian Gull at Dungeness
Our final views of the Glossy Ibis at Pett Level