Wednesday 22 September 2021

Argentina 3

 Argentina 3

Laguna Larga National Park sign

Views taken at Laguna Larga National Park.

Alpine flower taken at Laguna Larga National Park

Andean Condor Vultur gryphus

Juvenile Andean Condor

Adult Andean Condors

Mainly present in the Andes upto 3,400 m. but they have also been recorded at lower levels including the coastal area and have even been recorded from Tierra del Fuego. 
On our spectacular drive through the Andes from Cafayte to Salta, we recorded 70 of these magnificant Condors which included 40 in the air together and some passed low over our heads giving excellent views.

King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa

Adult King Vulture soaring high over the Calilegua National Park.
In Argentina it is chiefly present in NW Andes up to 1,900m, but it has become rarer in many areas due to deforestation and an increase in human settlements. During our trip, our only sighting was 2 seen soaring with other Vultures at Calilegua NP on the 17th.

Roadside Hawk  Rupornis magnirostris

Juvenile Roadside Hawk near Punta Rasa marsh.

Adult Roadside Hawk near Calilegua National Park.
There are 12 subspecies. In Argentina it is widespread in the N. and C lowlands, and we recorded it on 11 dates with a daily maximum of 4.

Variable Hawk Buteo polysoma polyosoma

Variable Hawk at Tafi del Valle
A very variable plumaged Hawk with four subspecies and is widespread in Argentina. One seen at Calilegua NP on the 17th and 2 seen at Tafi del Valle on the 22nd.

Crested Caracara Caracara plancus

Crested Caracara at Palomites
Widespread and common. Seen on 8 dates on our trip proving very common on the coastal strip with 150 seen on the 11th.

Coscoroba Swan - Coscoroba coscoroba 

Coscoroba Swans on roadside pools near San Clemente.
10 seen on roadside lagoons on the drive to San Clemente on the 11th with 100 chiefly at Campo del Tuyu on the 12th, 5 near Attalaya on the 13th and 30 at Costanera Sur on the 4th.
Breeds over southern South America and increasingly visitor to the Falkland Islands.

Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus

 Black-necked Swans at Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve.
Breeds from Cape Horn to the Falkland Isles, north to central Chile, southern Paraguay and southeastern Brazil. On our trip we saw 50 on the drive to San Clemente on the 11th with 350 chiefly at Campo del Tuyu on the 12th and 200 at Costanera Sur on the 4th.

Andean Goose - Chloephaga melanoptera

Andean Geese at Laguna Larga
Chiefly resident in the Andes from central Peru to Boliiva,  and Catamarca in Argentina. We recorded it with 20 seen at Lago Pozuelos on the 15th and 40 at Laguna Larga on the 16th.

Crested Duck - Lophonetta specularoides alticola

Crested Duck at Laguna Larga
Two subspecies. Distributed NW Andes, Patagonia and the Falkland Islands
100 seen at Lago Pozuelos and 10 at Abra Pampa marsh on the 15th and 30 at Laguna Larga on the 16th.

Yellow-billed Pintail - Anas georgica spinicauda

Yellow-billed Pintail at Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve.
Two races are widespread over much of South America.
Seen on 7 dates during our trip with a maximum of 40 seen on the 11th and 22nd

.Lake Duck - Oxyura vittata 

Drake Lake Duck on roadside pool near San Clemente.
Four were seen on roadside lagoons on the drive to San Clemente on the 11th and 1 at Costanera Sur on the 4th. Breeds over much of lowland Chile and in Argentina. Also on Tierra del Fuego.