Thursday, 3 October 2019

3rd October, 2019 Beachy Head Early slight frost, Cloudy and cool. E to SSE 1

We covered Birling lane, Belle Tout wood, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path and walked back on the upper rides above the cliff path. RE and MB were ringing in Whitbread Hollow, ASC was walking, covering a number of the Headland sites, and NP, KH, RES, RKH and RI were also covering the Headland sites.
A clear-out of some of the migrants from yesterday. Majority of the Stonechats had moved on after yesterday's record daily count, with only one seen in the field where 24 were seen yesterday. Still good numbers of Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps and an increase in Goldcrests. Majority of the Song Thrushes had moved on and no Redstarts were seen today. Highlights included our first Ring Ouzel of the Autumn, an elusive Pied Flycatcher in Shooters Bottom, our first Mistle Thrush for the year, and for myself a stunning Continental Coal Tit belonging to the race ater showed well but briefly at the bottom of Birling lane before moving off up the lane. Our first record since 2015.
Combined totals:

Little Egret 2 Birling beach
Sparrow Hawk 4 Hollow
Kestrel 1 Hollow
Lesser black Backed Gull A party of 12 flew N over the Headland
Tawny Owl 2 Hollow
Green Woodpecker 3
Sand Martin 1
Swallow c300
House Martin c500
Tree Pipit 1 Headland
Rock Pipit 2 Birling
Pied Wagtail 15 (8 E and 7 Hollow)
Robin 12 Headland
Stonechat 6 Headland
Ring Ouzel 1+ Headland
Blackbird 10 Headland
Mistle Thrush 1 Shooters Bottom
Song Thrush 2
Common Whitethroat 2 Headland
Blackcap 170 (150 Hollow, 20 Headland)
Chiffchaff 190 (100 Hollow, 90 Headland)
Goldcrest 35 (30 Hollow 5 Headland)
Spotted Flycatcher 1 Shooters Bottom
Pied Flycatcher 1 Shooters Bottom (RI et al)
Blue Tit c20 Headland
Great Tit 15 Headland
Coal Tit 1 Continental race ater Birling (JFC, DRC)
Goldfinch 130 Headland
Linnet 70 E
Reed Bunting 1 Shooters Bottom

Red Admiral 8 Headland

Another good arrival of Chiffchaffs.