Another day with westerly winds. We didn't arrive until 11.00 am and we covered Birling lane, Belle Tout wood, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Icky Ridge, Cliff Path. RAB also covered Cliff Path and Upper Rides, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden and Shooters Bottom. RE was ringing in Whitbread Hollow. Also a number of other birders were looking for the Ring Ouzels.
A good arrival of Chiffchaffs, RAB was present in the rain shower and when it stopped he found 50 Chiffchaffs in Shooters Bottom but majority had moved on when I checked Shooters Bottom some 3 hours later. Most birders saw Ring Ouzels at various sites in variable numbers. A flock of 7 seemed to be moving from one site to another, and in order to avoid double counting I have only counted these from one site.
Diurnal Migration was chiefly Linnets going W with fewer Goldfinches and Swallows.
Combined totals:
Sparrow Hawk 2 Headland
Kestrel 1 Headland
Peregrine 2 Headland
Tawny Owl 1 Hollow
Green Woodpecker 1 Headland
Swallow 75 (55 W, 20 Hollow)
House Martin 10 Hollow
Pied Wagtail 2 W
Robin 35 (25 Headland, 10 Hollow)
Stonechat 10 Headland
Ring Ouzel 16 (7 Shooters Bottom, 5 Cliff Path, 2 Old Trapping Area, 1 Hollow, 1 Icky Ridge)
Blackbird 12
Song Thrush 5 (4 Headland, 1 Hollow)
Blackcap 40 (15 Headland, 25 Hollow)
Chiffchaff 100 (30 Hollow and 70 Headland, including 50 after heavy rain in Shooters Bottom)
Goldcrest 15 (13 Headland, 2 Hollow)
Firecrest 1 Hollow
Long-tailed Tit 10 (2 Hollow and 8 Cliff Path)
Starling One flock of c500 in the top fields.
Goldfinch 240 (140W)
Linnet 420 ( 220W & flock of 200 in set-aside field)
Corn Bunting 1
Painted Lady 1
Speckled Wood 1
Red Admiral 4