5th September, 2019
We made a fairly brief visit with DC and met up with KH, RKH and RES. Between us we visited most of the Headland sites. Small numbers of common migrants were seen but again very little evidence of any diurnal migration.
Sparrowhawk 2
Common Buzzard 1
Kestrel 2
Sand Martin 30
Swallow 50
Yellow Wagtail 3 E
Whinchat 3
Wheatear 6
Lesser Whitethroat 1
Common Whitethroat 10
Chiffchaff 3
Willow Warbler 10
Spotted Flycatcher 2
Raven 2
Linnet Flock of 80 at Birling
Corn Bunting 6 Birling
Hummingbird Hawk Moth 1 Old Trapping Area
6th September, 2019
LP visited the Headland and covered a number of the birding sites. Similar numbers to yesterday's migrants were seen, and the Wryneck was again seen in Shooters Bottom.
Kestrel 3
Wryneck 1 still present in Shooters Bottom
Meadow Pipit 40+
Tree Pipit 1
Yellow Wagtail 25
Grey Wagtail 1
Common Redstart 1
Whinchat 1
Wheatear 6
Common Whitethroat 25
Blackcap 20
Chiffchaff 10
Willow Warbler 10
Spotted Flycatcher 1