A very large fall of Chiffchaffs, (our largest this year) and many were actively feeding, also good numbers of Blackcaps chiefly from the Hollow. Goldcrests had increased to 18 and Firecrests to 6.
Diurnal migration included reasonable numbers of Meadow Pipits and hirundines, and a number of Blue Tits departed high to the east.
Combined totals:
Sparrow Hawk 2 (1 Hollow, 1 Headland)
Kestrel 2 (1 Headland 1 Hollow)
Golden Plover 1 over the Headland
Tawny Owl 2 Hollow
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 ad. male Birling
Sand Martin 20 Hollow
Swallow c450 (300 Headland, 150 Hollow)
House Martin 160 (100 Hollow, 60 Headland)
Tree Pipit 1 Hollow
Meadow Pipit 150 Headland of which 90 moved W.
Pied Wagtail 6 W
Dunnock 50 Headland with several small parties seen
Robin 32 (10 Hollow, 22 Headland)
Wheatear 1
Song Thrush 4 (1 Hollow, 3 Cliff Path)
Sedge Warbler 1 Hollow
Reed Warbler 3 Hollow
Lesser Whitethroat 1 Cliff Path
Common Whitethroat 1 Cliff Path
Blackcap 285 (250 Hollow, 35 Headland)
Chiffchaff 520 (400 Hollow 120 Headland)
Goldcrest 18 (5 Hollow 13 Headland)
Firecrest 6 (4 Hollow, 1 Birling, 1 Old Trapping Area)
Long-tailed Tit 1 Hollow
Blue Tit 25 Headland with several departed high to the east.
Great Tit 10 Headland
Goldfinch 50 Headland
Linnet 60 including 15 W
Small Copper 2 mating Hollow.
Our largest fall of Chiffchaffs this year.
Adult male Great-spotted Woodpecker on the feeders
at Birling,
Sparrow Hawk hunting over the Headland.