Sunday, 1 September 2019

1st September, 2019. Beachy Head Overcast at first becoming sunny and warm. WNW 1 - 2

We covered Shooters Bottom, Birling scrub, Old Trapping Area, Valley opposite Shooters Bottom, radio mast bushes, Icky Ridge and Hotel Garden. RE covered Birling lane, Birling to Belle Tout loop, and Cornish Farm track. Small fall of Willow Warblers chiefly at Birling, otherwise fairly similar numbers of migrants on the Headland as yesterday. The Wryneck was again seen but still very elusive. Once again very little in the way of diurnal migration.
Combined totals:

Sparrowhawk 1 male
Common Buzzard 1
Peregrine 2
Wryneck 1 still present in Shooters Bottom but very elusive (PJ&GJ)
Swallow 30
House Martin 30
Meadow Pipit 20
Yellow Wagtail c70 feeding in cattle field near Cornish Farm track.
Whinchat 8
Wheatear 16
Song Thrush 2
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Shooters Bottom (PJ&GJ)
Sedge Warbler 1 Shooters Bottom
Reed Warbler 2 Hotel Garden
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 27
Blackcap 10
Chiffchaff 3
Willow Warbler 55 (40 at Birling)
Raven 1

Clouded Yellow 2
Painted Lady 10
Small Copper 1

Whinchat at Birling

Wheatear at the radio mast bushes.

Reed Warbler in the Hotel Garden.