We met up with AQ at Birling and covered Birling lane, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, Hotel Garden, Icky Ridge. AR covered the Headline sites from above Whitbread Hollow to Belle Tout wood and RE and MB were ringing in Whitbread Hollow.
No sign of the Pallid Harrier today, good numbers of Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs again in Whitbread Hollow. Chiefly House Martins moving E and further parties of Blue Tits were again moving E.
Combined totals:
Grey Heron 1 Birling beach
Sparrow Hawk 2 Headland
Kestrel 1
Tawny Owl 1 Hollow
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Sand Martin 2
Swallow c200 E
House Martin c1,000 E
Tree Pipit 3 Headland
Meadow Pipit c50 Headland
Yellow Wagtail 6 Headland
Whinchat 1 Birling
Wheatear 1 Birling
Song Thrush 1 Hollow
Reed Warbler 1 Hollow
Common Whitethroat 7 (6 Headland, 1 Hollow)
Blackcap 140 (130 Hollow, 10 Headland)
Chiffchaff 70 (30 Headland, 40 Hollow)
Goldcrest 2 Hollow
Long-tailed Tit 5 Headland
Blue Tit c50 (Parties of 18, 6 and 9 moving over E)
Raven 5
Greenfinch 2 Hollow
Corn Bunting 1 Headland
Wall butterfly 1 Hotel Garden