Saturday, 3 August 2019

3rd August, 2019 Beachy Head Fine sunny and warm early morning becoming overcast and humid later E 1 - 2

We first covered Birling lane and scrub, Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area, radio mast bushes, Icky Ridge and Hotel Garden, Belle Tout scrub and wood.
Very enjoyable morning with our best fall of night migrants so far this Autumn and probably this year. Good numbers of Willow Warblers and Common Whitethroats with the highlight being 3 Pied Flycatchers and 1 Redstart.

Golden Plover 1 calling over the Headland
Sand Martin 7 E
Swallow 20
Yellow Wagtail 1 calling over the Old Trapping Area
Common Redstart 1 female type in Shooters Bottom
Stonechat 8
Sedge Warbler 7 Headland
Reed Warbler 1 Headland
Lesser Whitethroat 2
Common Whitethroat 60 Headland
Garden Warbler 1 Headland
Blackcap 3 Headland
Willow Warbler 70 Headland
Pied Flycatcher 3 (1 Shooters Bottom, 1 Old Trapping Area, 1 radio mast bushes)
Raven 1
Goldfinch c70 with many juveniles

More interesting butterflies
Wall Butterfly 1 Icky Ridge
2 Painted Ladies

Swallows resting on a dead bush

7 Sedge Warblers were seen on the Headland today.
Our best so far this year.


Pied Flycatcher in the Old Trapping Area


Pied Flycatcher by the radio mast bushes. Our first for the year.

Good fall of Willow Warblers today, and I came across
this pale individual in the scrub at Birling.
With the majority being typical 1st W birds being very yellow
on the underparts, this individual was probably either an
adult bird or possibly a northern race bird. From the
time of the year, I would think it is probably an adult.

Painted Lady-just 2 seen, but in Northern Britain and Scotland they 
 have very large numbers in some areas over 1,000 on a day. 
Even DC has some on Unst.