A clear-out of night migrants from yesterday, although still reasonable numbers were present. No sign of any Honey Buzzards during the morning, although a juv. Marsh Harrier put in an appearance at Bullock Down. Yellow Wagtails, Tree Pipits and 2 Grey Wagtails were seen moving over the Headland, and there was a good flock of Yellow Wagtails feeding with the cattle.
Combined totals:
Marsh Harrier 1 juv. Bullock Down (LP, JP)
Sparrowhawk 3 (1 Hollow, 2 Headland)
Common Buzzard 8 over the Headland
Kestrel 3
Collared Dove 1 W over Birling
Swift 75 (15 feeding over top fields plus 60 calling and out to sea in evening)
Green Woodpecker 2
Sand Martin c50 SE Headland
Swallow c600 E Headland
House Martin c40 E Headland
Tree Pipit 11 chiefly NW over Headland
Yellow Wagtail 120 (c70 feeding with cattle, c40NW)
Grey Wagtail 2 NW
Robin 30 (20 Hollow, 10 Headland)
Nightingale 1 Hollow
Common Redstart 10 Headland
Whinchat 7 Headland
Wheatear 18 Headland
Grasshopper Warbler 4 (3 Headland, 1 Hollow)
Reed Warbler 32 (30 Hollow, 2 Headland)
Lesser Whitethroat 10 (8 Headland, 2 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 63 (5 Hollow, 58 Headland)
Garden Warbler 4 (3 Headland, 1Hollow)
Blackcap 70 (50 Hollow, 20 Headland)
Chiffchaff 1 Hollow
Willow Warbler 38 (10 Hollow, 28 Headland)
Spotted Flycatcher 3 (1 Hollow, 2 Birling)
Pied Flycatcher 1 Hotel Garden
Jay 1 Hollow
Bullfinch 1 juv. Hollow
Clouded Yellow 6
Small Copper 1
Painted Lady 10
Small White 70+
Red Admiral 5
Two Spotted Flycatchers also present at Birling
Wheatear at Birling
Whinchat at Birling
This Whinchat didn't want his photograph to be taken.