Just small numbers of night migrants present up to when we left, although LP and JP connected with 3 Honey Buzzards during the early afternoon and a Nightjar during the evening. Unfortunately, I do not have a separate list of LP's totals for the Beachy Head area, and therefore are not included in the following list.
Honey Buzzard 3 over the Hotel Garden between 12.15 and 13.40 before drifting N photos (LP and JP)
Sparrowhawk 2 Headland
Nightjar 1 hawking around the hedgerow near Hotel Garden @ 20.47 (LP)
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Sand Martin 20 Headland
Swallow 200 moving S
House Martin 20 W
Tree Pipit 1 flyover Headland
Yellow Wagtail 15 (3 E and 12 feeding with cattle)
Redstart 1 Old Trapping Area
Wheatear 2
Grasshopper Warbler 1 Headland (JP)
Sedge Warbler 1 Headland
Reed Warbler 8 (1 Headland and 7 Hollow)
Lesser Whitethroat 7 (6 Headland 1 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 80 (30 Headland and 50 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 3 Hollow
Blackcap 42 (40 Hollow and 2 Headland)
Willow Warbler 18 (15 Headland and 3 Hollow)
Small Heath 6 Headland
Painted Lady 15 Headland
Migrant Hawker 2 by the side of B/T wood
Grey Seal 1 off Icky Ridge
Sparrowhawk upsetting the local Corvids at Icky Ridge
Lesser Whitethroat in the Hotel Garden