A reasonable fall of common night migrants mainly in Whitbread Hollow but no sign of any diurnal migration.
Combined totals:
Sanderling 3 W off Birling
Common Buzzard 1 Birling
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Great-Spotted Woodpecker 2 (1 W over Birling, 1 Hollow)
Tree Pipit 11 (2 Birling, 9 Hollow)
Wheatear 2 Birling
Redstart 1x1styr. male Hollow
Sedge Warbler 3 (1 Birling, 2 Hollow)
Lesser Whitethroat 6 (3 Headland, 3 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 87 (27 Headland, 60 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 4 Hollow
Blackcap 20 Hollow
Chiffchaff 3 Hollow
Willow Warbler 91 (21 Headland, 70 Hollow)
Raven 1 Shooters Bottom
Linnet 20 Headland
Common Darter 1 Hollow
Red Admiral 2 Hollow
Brown Argus 1 Hollow
taken by DRC
taken by DRC
The drive to Beachy this morning with some
impressive cloud formations
Wheatear at Birling
Willow Warbler at Birling