Tuesday, 13 August 2019

13th August, 2019 Beachy Head Overcast with showers. Calm at first becoming W 2-3

A fairly brief visit this morning and we visited Birling lane, Birling scrub, and Shooters Bottom. We met up with KH and RES who had covered the radio mast bushes area, and the Old Trapping Area and we left them at B/T wood. RE and MB covered Whitbread Hollow.
A reasonable fall of common night migrants mainly in Whitbread Hollow but no sign of any diurnal migration.
Combined totals:

Sanderling 3 W off Birling
Common Buzzard 1 Birling
Green Woodpecker 1 Hollow
Great-Spotted Woodpecker 2 (1 W over Birling, 1 Hollow)
Tree Pipit 11 (2 Birling, 9 Hollow)
Wheatear 2 Birling
Redstart 1x1styr. male Hollow
Sedge Warbler 3 (1 Birling, 2 Hollow)
Lesser Whitethroat 6 (3 Headland, 3 Hollow)
Common Whitethroat 87 (27 Headland, 60 Hollow)
Garden Warbler 4 Hollow
Blackcap 20 Hollow
Chiffchaff 3 Hollow
Willow Warbler 91 (21 Headland, 70 Hollow)
Raven 1 Shooters Bottom
Linnet 20 Headland

Common Darter 1 Hollow
Red Admiral 2 Hollow
Brown Argus 1 Hollow

taken by DRC

taken by DRC
The drive to Beachy this morning with some
impressive cloud formations

Wheatear at Birling

Willow Warbler at Birling