Monday, 8 July 2019

8th July, 2019 Beachy Head and Newhaven Harbour Overcast warm and humid E 3-4

We visited Shooters Bottom, Old Trapping Area. Icky Ridge, Cliff Path and Radio mast bushes and Belle Tout wood. The Headland was generally quiet with far fewer Common Whitethroats seen with probably local dispersal has taken place away from the headland.

Common Buzzard 2 Cow Gap
Kestrel 1
Peregrine 1 pair over Shooters Bottom
Swift 1 E
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1 B/T wood
Lesser Whitethroat 2 Shooters Bottom
Common Whitethroat 7
Blackcap 3 Headland
Long-tailed Tit 3 Shooters Bottom

Meadow Brown c30
Gatekeeper c40
Small Heath 2
Marbled White c40
Small Skipper 4

Round-headed Rampion (aka The Pride of Sussex) 2

Late news from yesterday of 2 Nightingale calling in Shooters Bottom (per LP and JP), but no sign of any today.

For anyone who may be interested, I have published this Spring's bird summary from Beachy Head, including the sea-watching, on the following blog:

On our way home, we called in at Newhaven Harbour at low tide. About 100 large gulls loafing around on the beach but no sign of any juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls although 2 very juvenile Herring Gulls were present.

male Kestrel and Magpie having a disagreement in Cow Gap
which the Magpie clearly won.

Two Round-headed Rampions which is the County
flower of Sussex and is also known as the Pride of Sussex
seen along the Cliff Path

The Pride of Sussex